Examples of Reporting unit in a sentence
The 5-character reporting unit codes (INT codes), which are given to data providers upon application (see section 3.4 Reporting unit codes) are selected separately in connection with selecting period, for example FI02345678INT01.
Reporting unit is municipality, and detailed data on quantities and values of produced and consumed products are collected at municipality level, not at the level of individual agriculture household.
Mostly observation units are legal or administrative units but they may also be operational units.• Reporting unit - unit from which data about an observation unit are obtained during the course of a survey.Characteristics of units4.17 For each of these types of units, a set of characteristics is held in the SBR, such as economic activity code, size code, institutional sector, whether they are a market/non-market producer, and/or region of operations.
The Reporting unit recognises a provision for termination as part of a broader restructuring when it has developed a detailed formal plan for the terminations and has informed those employees affected that it will carry out the terminations.
The Reporting unit measures financial instruments, such as, financial asset as at fair value through the profit and loss, available for sale financial assets, and non-financial assets such as land and buildings and investment properties, at fair value at each balance sheet date.