Creation Notice definition

Creation Notice means a notice sent by the Issuer to a Commodity Contract
Creation Notice means a notice sent by the Issuer to a Commodity ContractCounterparty pursuant to a Facility Agreement creating the Equivalent Number of Commodity Contracts corresponding with the Commodity Securities referred to in such Creation Notice
Creation Notice means an Index Creation Notice or an Agreed Creation Notice.

Examples of Creation Notice in a sentence

  • If the Trust Manager has given to the Trustee a Fund Creation Notice, then unless the Trustee rejects that Fund Creation Notice by written notice to the Trust Manager within one Business Day of it being given, the Fund referred to in that notice shall be constituted immediately upon the Trust Manager settling or procuring the settlement upon the Trustee of the Initial Amount.

  • Schedule 1 Form of Fund Creation Notice [Letterhead of Trust Manager] Permanent Custodians Limited 35 Clarence Street SYDNEY NSW 2000 Attention: Senior Manager Securitisation Dear Sirs ARMS II PROGRAM: FUND CREATION NOTICE—GLOBAL FUNDS We refer to the Master Trust Deed (the Master Trust Deed) dated 7 March 1995 made between Permanent Custodians Limited as trustee and Australian Mortgage Securities Ltd as trust manager, as amended and restated on [ ] 2003.

  • Words and expressions defined in the Master Trust Deed have the same meaning when used in this Fund Creation Notice, unless otherwise defined herein.

  • Each Fund shall be known by the name specified in the relevant Fund Creation Notice, unless the Trustee reasonably objects to the use of that name, in which case that Fund will be called by such other name as the Trustee and the Trust Manager may agree.

  • Beneficiary means, in relation to a Fund, initially each person specified as a beneficiary of that Fund in the relevant Fund Creation Notice, and subsequently any other person for whom the Trustee holds that Fund upon and subject to the terms and conditions of this Deed.

  • Fund Creation Notice means a notice given by the Trust Manager to the Trustee under clause 3.2. Funding Period means, in relation to a Warehouse Fund, the period for which the beneficiary of that Fund has agreed pursuant to the relevant Warehouse Funding Agreement to provide funding to the Trustee as trustee of that Fund, to finance the investment by the Trustee in Authorised Investments.

  • Terms used in this Creation Notice have the meanings given to them in the Facility Agreement.

  • When used in this Agreement, "BASIC DOCUMENTS" shall mean each of the Master Trust Deed, the Fund Creation Notice, the Conditions, the Master Origination and Servicing Agreement, the Bonds, the Security Trust Deed, the Bond Trust Deed, the Interest Rate Swaps, the Currency Swaps, and the Paying Agency Agreement.

  • The Trust will be created pursuant to the Master Trust Deed, dated March 7, 1995, between the Issuer Trustee and AMS, as amended and restated on April 23, 2003 by a deed of variation among the Issuer Trustee, AMS and the Trust Manager (the "Master Trust Deed") and a fund creation notice, dated April 23, 2003 (the "Cut-off Date") given by the Trust Manager to the Issuer Trustee (the "Fund Creation Notice") which sets forth specific provisions regarding the Trust.

  • FUND means each Securitisation Fund constituted under the Master Trust Deed by a Creation Notice.

More Definitions of Creation Notice

Creation Notice means a notice sent by the Issuer to an Equity Contract Counterparty
Creation Notice means a notice sent by the Issuer to AIG-FP pursuant to the Facility
Creation Notice means a notice sent by the Issuer to AIG-FP pursuant to the FacilityAgreement creating the Equivalent Number of Commodity Contracts corresponding with the Commodity Securities referred to in such Creation Notice
Creation Notice. ’ means a notice sent by the Issuer to an Oil Major Company which:
Creation Notice means a notice in the form attached as Schedule 4 (or such other form as may be agreed between the Trust and the Counterparty from time to time), and given in accordance with the Creation Procedures;
Creation Notice for Option A, “ Creation Notice” for Option B and “ Cancellation Notice” for Option C Date: _______________________ Time+: _______________________ Reference+: _______________________ (dd/mm/yy) Class of Share: _____________ ____________________________________________________________________________ [Code] Share Name Number of Shares:____________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Number Words + Optional Details of Withdrawal Notice: Date: _______________________ Time (optional): _______________________ Reference (optional): _______________________ (dd/mm/yy) Signed by [Counterparty] or the Fund: _____________________________________________ delete as applicable Print Name: __________________________________________________ Confirmation of Receipt of Withdrawal Notice We hereby acknowledge receipt of the above Withdrawal Notice. Signed by [Counterparty] or the Fund: _____________________________________________ delete as applicable Print Name: _____________________________________________

Related to Creation Notice

  • Retraction Notice has the meaning set forth in Section 11.01(c).

  • Put Option Notice means a notice which must be delivered to a Paying Agent by any Noteholder wanting to exercise a right to redeem a Note at the option of the Noteholder;

  • Termination Notice means the communication issued in accordance with this Agreement by one Party to the other Party terminating this Agreement;

  • Completion Notice means a notice issued by the Developer in accordance with clause 6.1.

  • Pre-Notice shall have the meaning ascribed to such term in Section 4.13.