Clinical evaluation means a systematic and planned process to continuously generate, collect, analyse and assess the clinical data pertaining to a device in order to verify the safety and performance, including clinical benefits, of the device when used as intended by the manufacturer;
Site evaluation means a comprehensive analysis of soil and site conditions for an OWTS.
Crisis means a situation in which a student engages in a behavior that threatens the health and safety of the student or others and includes without limitation a situation in which the student becomes aggressive or violent at school and is unable to regain self-control without posing a danger of injury to himself or herself or others.
Sustainability Structuring Agent means PNC Capital Markets LLC.
Independent educational evaluation means an evaluation conducted by a qualified examiner who is not employed by the public agency responsible for the education of the child in question.
Performance evaluation means evaluation of work and program participation as well as other areas of behavior.
Crisis stabilization means a service lasting less than 24 hours (23.59 hours), to or on behalf of a beneficiary for a condition that required more timely response than a regularly scheduled visit. Service activities include but are not limited to one or more of the following: Assessment, collateral, and therapy. Crisis Stabilization is distinguished from crisis intervention by being delivered by providers who meet the Crisis Stabilization contract, site, and staffing requirements described in Sections 1840.338 and 1840.348 of CCR, Title 9.
Summative evaluation means the comprehensive, end-of-cycle appraisal and shall incorporate the results of the minimum required observations, any additional observations, and required component-level data. At the discretion of the Evaluator, it may also include additional announced or unannounced observation data beyond the required observation data provided by other Credentialed Observers.
Sustainability Factors means environmental, social and employee matters, respect for human rights, anti‐corruption and anti‐bribery matters.
Total Evaluated CRIS MW means the Additional CRIS MW requested plus either (i) if the Installed Capacity Supplier previously received an exemption under Sections,, or, all prior Additional CRIS MW since the facility was last exempted under Sections,, or, or (ii) for all other Installed Capacity Suppliers, all MW of Capacity for which an Examined Facility obtained CRIS pursuant to the provisions in ISO OATT Sections 25, 30, or 32 (OATT Attachments S, X, or Z). For purposes of Section 23.4.5 of this Attachment H, “UCAP Offer Reference Level” shall mean a dollar value equal to the projected clearing price for each ICAP Spot Market Auction determined by the ISO on the basis of the applicable ICAP Demand Curve and the total quantity of Unforced Capacity from all Installed Capacity Suppliers in a Mitigated Capacity Zone for the period covered by the applicable ICAP Spot Market Auction. For purposes of Section 23.4.5 of this Attachment H, “Unit Net CONE” shall mean localized levelized embedded costs of a specified Installed Capacity Supplier, including interconnection costs, and for an Installed Capacity Supplier located outside a Mitigated Capacity Zone including embedded costs of transmission service, in either case net of likely projected annual Energy and Ancillary Services revenues, and revenues associated with other energy products (such as energy services and renewable energy credits, as determined by the ISO, translated into a seasonally adjusted monthly UCAP value using an appropriate class outage rate. The Unit Net CONE of an Installed Capacity Supplier that has functions beyond the generation or transmission of power shall include only the embedded costs allocated to the production and transmission of power, and shall not net the revenues from functions other than the generation or transmission of power.
Evaluation means an appraisal of an individual’s professional performance in relation to his or her job description and professional standards and based on, when applicable, the individual’s evaluation rubric.
Mobile crisis outreach team means a crisis intervention service for minors or families of minors experiencing behavioral health or psychiatric emergencies.
Market Abuse means any unscrupulous behavior addressed by applicable regulations.
Reference evapotranspiration or “ETo” means a standard measurement of environmental parameters which affect the water use of plants. ETo is given expressed in inches per day, month, or year as represented in Appendix C of these Guidelines, and is an estimate of the evapotranspiration of a large field of four to seven-inch tall, cool-season grass that is well watered. Reference evapotranspiration is used as the basis of determining the Maximum Applied Water Allowances.
Asset adequacy analysis means an analysis that meets the standards and other requirements referred to in 5.34(5)“d.”
Market Analysis means a technique used to identify market characteristics for specific goods or services “National Treasury” has the meaning assigned to it in section 1 of the Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act No. 56 of 2003);
Financial Crime Risk Management Activity means any action to meet Compliance Obligations relating to or in connection with the detection, investigation and prevention of Financial Crime that the Bank or members of the HSBC Group may take.
Baseline actual emissions means the rate of emissions, in tons per year, of a regulated new source review (NSR) pollutant, as determined in accordance with Parts (A) through (C) of this Subparagraph:
Electronic Subcontracting Reporting System (eSRS) means the Governmentwide, electronic, web-based system for small business subcontracting program reporting. The eSRS is located at
Crisis stabilization unit means a short-term facility or a
Root Cause Analysis Report means a report addressing a problem or non-conformance, in order to get to the ‘root cause’ of the problem, which thereby assists in correcting or eliminating the cause, and prevent the problem from recurring.
Evaluation rubric means a set of criteria, measures, and processes used to evaluate all teaching staff members in a specific school district or local education agency. Evaluation rubrics consist of measures of professional practice, based on educator practice instruments and student outcomes. Each Board of Education will have an evaluation rubric specifically for teachers, another specifically for Principals, Vice Principals, and Assistant Principals, and evaluation rubrics for other categories of teaching staff members.
Certified historic structure means a property listed individually on the Virginia Landmarks Register,
Adverse impact on visibility means visibility impairment which interferes with the management, protection, preservation or enjoyment of the visi- tor’s visual experience of the Federal Class I area. This determination must be made on a case-by-case basis taking into account the geographic extent, in- tensity, duration, frequency and time of visibility impairment, and how these factors correlate with (1) times of vis- itor use of the Federal Class I area, and(2) the frequency and timing of natural conditions that reduce visibility.
Grievance System means the overall system that includes:
Pendency of the procurement process means the time period commencing with the public notice of the request for proposals and ending with the award of the contract or the cancellation of the request for proposals.