Examples of Cut A in a sentence
Similar as above, let Cu,t denote the set of revisions that a user u made to any controversial page on or before time t and define the respective statistic by editControversial(u; Wt) = log(1 + |Cu,t|) .A significantly positive (negative) parameter associated with editControversial implies that users with a higher num- ber of revisions made to controversial articles have a higher (lower) hazard to drop out.
Cut: A girl cuts a string that is attaching a small toy rabbit to the back of a rucksack worn by another child.
Three 2 inches long W-band waveguides were wire EDM milled out of AL-15 using a Brass coated wire, trade name Cobra Cut A, pure Copper wire, and a Molybdenum wire.Comparing the attenuation factor of pure copper, -0.13 dB, to that of AL-15, -0.29 dB.
Level 1 Cut: A light cut that removes the surface paste exposing the fine aggregates near the surface.
Suezmax Temporary Exemption – 1-year extension (Effective September 1, 2020) Effective September 1, 2019, the Pilot Board adopted a temporary rule change exempting the following vessels (excluding VLCC’s) from the Daylight Only Passage Restrictions while transiting Cut A of the Corpus Christi Ship Channel with no cargo onboard in a ballast condition.
Curb Cut: A provision for vehicular ingress and/or egress between property and an abutting street.
Cut: A portion of land surface or area from which earth has been removed or will be removed by excavation; the depth below original ground surface to the excavated surface, also known as "excavation." Department: The department of natural resources.
Combined Beam Restrictions The following Combined Beam Restrictions will apply to all Vessels: • Within Cut A, the permissible combined beam for passing Vessels is 265 feet (80.77 meters).• Within Cut B, the permissible combined beam for passing Vessels is 215 feet (65.53 meters).• Within the Inner Harbor, at the location of the ADM and Citgo Docks, the permissible combined beam for passing Vessels (including combined beam of Vessels berthed at ADM and Citgo Docks) is 357 feet (108.81 meters).
For Cn(A)= Cn(B) we shall also use the notation A ≡ B.The following observation is due to Scott (1974, Theorem 1.2).Observation 2.2 If the operation Cn satisfies the Tarski axioms, then the relation ≤ of Definition 2.1.1 satisfies the Scott axioms:A ∩ B /= ∅ =⇒ A ≤ B (Overlap) A ⊆ A· & B ⊆ B· & A ≤ B =⇒ A· ≤ B· (Weakening) A, β ≤ C & A ≤ β, C =⇒ A ≤ C (Cut) A ≤ B =⇒ ∃ finite A· ⊆ A : A· ≤ B (Compactness)Proof.
Films of Michael Haneke The utopia of fear, Jump Cut: A Review of Contemporary Media, Vol.