Examples of D epartment in a sentence
The C ontractor s hall comply w ith t he D avis Bacon A ct ( 40 U .S.C. § § 276a t o 276 a-7) as supplemented b y D epartment of Labor regulations ( 29 C.F.R. Part 5 ), and a ll other applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations pertaining to labor standards insofar as they apply to the performance of this agreement.
For t his S ection only, a ll r eferences t o t he D epartment s hall m ean the County.
SENATOR HABERMAN: I ' v e b een t o t h e G o v e r n o r , t he A t t o r n e y General, the Tax D epartment.
R emove a nd r eplace any material, i f r equired, at no c ost t o t he D epartment.
I f so directed, obtain an engineering analysis, as directed by the Engineer, by the independent laboratory (as appr oved by t he Engineer) t o de termine i f t he material c an (a) r emain i n place, for this case the appropriate pay factor will be applied, or (b) be removed and r eplaced a t n o c ost t o the D epartment.
A portion of forfeited assets may be retained by C OUNTY’s Sheriff D epartment, hereinafter referred to as “SHERIFF”, to pay for departmental expenses not recovered through law enforcement contracts.
The Contractor shall notify the D epartment Contract Manager of any changes to the Contractor’s Information in writing (email is acceptable) within five business days prior to the effective date of the proposed change.
Since 1980 the administration of the U.S. AD law has b een split betw een the International Trade Administration (ITA) of the U.S. D epartment of Commerce (DOC), which de termines whether dumping has occurred, and the ITC, which determines whether U.S. industry has demonstrated sufficient injury due to the dumped imports.33 The Tariff Act directs the DOC to determ ine whether foreign merchandise is being sold in the United States at LTFMV.
If the inspector has any questions about whether an existing poor air quality condition should be considered dangerous, he or she should c heck w ith the l ocal Health an d S afety D epartment ( city, town or county).
Furthermore, the CRO staff advised the Mining Ombudsman that the Avubab is an independent body and that while the company controls the money, it is the Avubab and the company together who decide which projects should be funded.However, since the establishment of the Avubab, considerable concern has been expressed by locals that the Avubab relies solely on support and direction from the CRO.