Daily average definition

Daily average means the average over a period of 24 hours of validated hourly averages obtained by continuous measurements.
Daily average discharge limitation means the highest allowable average of "daily discharges" over a calendar month, calculated as the sum of all "daily discharges" measured during a calendar month divided by the number of "daily discharges" measured during that month.
Daily average means the average of all samples taken during any 24 hour period.

Examples of Daily average in a sentence

  • The Predetermined Compensation calculation is based on the amount that the Daily Average Water Level rises above the Fully Compensated Range boundary in a high water condition or falls below the Fully Compensated Range boundary in a low water condition.

  • If, in the future, the Project is no longer utilized for the production of hydro-electric power, Hydro covenants and agrees to continue to operate and maintain all such works, structures and improvements, within its legal authority and control, so that, to the extent that it is lawful and reasonably possible, Daily Average Water Levels and Rates of Change remain within the Fully Compensated Range or such other seasonal patterns as may be agreed to by the Parties.

  • The Daily Average Water Level (DAWL) is the arithmetic average of readings of water levels recorded in a day at the Cross Lake Gauge, adjusted to eliminate the effects of wind using a 5 day moving mean, rounded to the nearest tenth of a foot.

  • Daily Average Water Levels or Rates of Change outside of the Fully Compensated Range and the Predetermined Compensation Range may be considered as extraordinary events and additional compensation for Adverse Effects, if any, caused by or attributable to such Daily Average Water Levels or Rates of Change is a continuing obligation of Hydro.

  • The rate for Predetermined Compensation to be paid is $250 per foot per day each day that the Daily Average Water Levels or Rates of Change, or both, are in the Predetermined Compensation range.

More Definitions of Daily average

Daily average means the average over a period of 24 hours of valid half-hourly or hourly averages obtained by continuous measurements, as defined in the General Considerations section of the Non-Ferrous Metals BAT Conclusions. A half-hourly or hourly average shall be considered valid if measurements are available for a minimum of (a) 20 minutes during the half hour, or (b) 40 minutes during the hour. The number of half- hourly or hourly averages so validated shall not exceed 5 per day.
Daily average means the average of the high and low stock prices on the applicable stock exchange of one share of common stock for a particular trading day;
Daily average means the arithmetic average of the Hourly Averages for a Unit in a Day.
Daily average means the arith- metic average of the hourly values measured in a 24-hour period.
Daily average means the average over a period of 24 hours of valid half-hourly or hourly averages obtained by continuous measurements, as defined in the General Considerations section of the Non-Ferrous Metals BAT Conclusions. A half – hourly or hourly average shall be considered valid if measurements are available for a minimum of
Daily average means a simple, unweighted average calculated each business day.
Daily average means the arithmetic average of the hourly values measuredin a 24-hour period.