Examples of Daily Benefit in a sentence
If during the Period of Insurance an Insured Person sustains Bodily Injury or Sickness which directly and independently of all other causes results in the Insured Person being in a Hospital as an in-patient within one (1) calendar month of the Date of Loss, then the Company agrees to pay to the Insured Person the Daily Benefit stated in the Schedule.
If during the Period of Insurance an Insured Person sustains Bodily Injury which directly and independently of all other causes results in the Insured Person being in a Hospital as an inpatient within one (1) calendar month of the Date of Loss, then the Company agrees to pay to the Insured Person the Daily Benefit stated in the Schedule.
We will pay charges for the Average Semiprivate Charge for each day of the Hospital Stay, up to the Maximum Daily Benefit Amount shown in the schedule.
We will pay for services, supplies and charges during a Hospital Stay, up to the Maximum Daily Benefit Amount shown in the schedule per day.
The MCOP shall maintain the integrity of its membership data through reconciliation of the daily HIPAA 834C files (Daily Benefit Enrollment and Maintenance) and the monthly HIPAA 834F file (Monthly Benefit Enrollment and Maintenance) transactions pursuant to ODM instructions.