Dark Fibre definition

Dark Fibre network. This means instead of using traditional cabling, data is transported over unused optical fibre. A dark fibre network is optical fibre infrastructure that is not in use.
Dark Fibre. X”, “DFX” or “DFX Fibre” means unmonitored, unlit, point to point optical fibre including the BT Equipment placed by BT at a Site to provide the Service as detailed in Schedule 2 Appendix 1;
Dark Fibre. Means one pair of fibres further described in Schedule 1 (the technical specifications of which are set out in Schedule 3 (Specification of Dark Fibre – Testing & Handover)) on the Contractor Network delivered by the Contractor pursuant to Clause 3 and in respect of which Contractor grants to Customer the rights set out in this Agreement. For the avoidance of doubts, Dark Fibre includes also a Patch to the Customer Equipment installed in the Rack Space "Effective Date" Means the date of execution of this Agreement.

Examples of Dark Fibre in a sentence

  • On 14 December 2016, Thobela purchased 850 km of fibre duct from Dark Fibre Africa Proprietary Limited for an amount of R114 million.

  • The key operating company of the group is Dark Fibre Africa Proprietary Limited (DFA), which constructs and owns fibre-optic networks.

  • Any request for the relocation shall be deemed to be a request for the termination of the Dark Fibre pair and a request for the supply of a new Dark Fibre pair at the requested location.

  • The Mark III video converters (VCs) or VLBA Baseband converters (BBCs) were set so that the full range of emission from IC 133, as observed in 1987 April, could be covered (Greenhill et al.

  • The supply of the new Dark Fibre pair will be subject to a one-time-relocation-charge (OTC) of $4,000 per Dark Fibre pair.

More Definitions of Dark Fibre

Dark Fibre means fibre optic cable strands within the Network not lit for use;
Dark Fibre means the service described in Appendix 1 of Schedule 2;
Dark Fibre means unlit fibre optic spans, unconnected to any active equipment. To generate a signal for the sending and receiving of data, optical equipment has to be connected to the fibres by the customer. Dark Fibre spans are not contended or shared with anyone else.
Dark Fibre means unused optical fibre, available for use in fibre-optic communication that is not energized;
Dark Fibre means those optic fibres set out on the plan attached as Schedule “A” and designated as “Dark Fibre” as well as any other optic fibres installed by the Company and licenced to the City pursuant to the Dark Fibre Licence.
Dark Fibre means single-mode Strands of optical fibre in the Network which are capable of bi-directional wave-division multiplexing of transported signals, through which no light, light communications or signals are transmitted.
Dark Fibre has the meaning set out in Schedule 6 [Specifications and Drawings];