Rack Space definition

Rack Space means the Services rendered by Itec as described in the Service Order under such heading or description whereby –
Rack Space means the amount of physical space the Customer’s Equipment
Rack Space means a designated area in the Datacenter.

Examples of Rack Space in a sentence

  • The following paragraphs apply when the Co-Location Services subscribed by Customer is with Rack Space.

  • For sake of clarity it is to be noticed that the electric power consumption is not included in the per Rack Space tariff and will be billed as described in Schedule 5.

  • Each Co-Location Rack Space in an existing POST Technologies Area POP will be provided with 48 V DC power supply (up to 500 Watt per half rack).

  • In any case only entire undivided footprints may be allocated.Co-Location Rack Space will be allocated on the basis of a half-rack, enabling the Operator to install his 19” or 21” equipment.

  • The Operator Rack Connection physically represents the connection from the Operator’s Co- Location Rack Space to the ODF located in the same room of the type A POP (Area POP).

More Definitions of Rack Space

Rack Space means space for a standard non-enclosed equipment rack with outside dimensions measuring twenty-six inches (26”) in width, twenty-four inches (24”) in depth and either seventy-eight inches (78”) or eighty-four inches (84”) in height, in Transmission Sites and POP Collocation Sites which are of type, size and quality standard in the telecommunications industry.
Rack Space means a space within the Co-location area for the siting of Customer Equipment provisioned to the specification as set out in the Purchase Order.
Rack Space means the space within a Rack Cabinet occupied by the Equipment. Server means the server forming part of the Network.
Rack Space means the space designated for the Rack in the IDC by SELLER.
Rack Space means the amount of physical space the Customer’sEquipment occupies within a rack in the Space, typically per cabinet, per quarter cabinet or per half cabinet basis, which is not Caged Space. “Rooftop Space” means such physical space located at the rooftop of the data centre building as specified in the Service Order. “Service Credits” means the proportion of the MRC for an applicable Service, which the Customer is entitled to request a credit for in the event that AIMS fails to meet the service level guarantees as set out in Appendix 3 of this Service Schedule. “Service Equipment” means the equipment owned and / or supplied and installed by AIMS for the Customer. “Service Term” means the total period for which the Co-Location Services are subscribed for, including the Initial Service Term, and/or where the context so permits, shall include the Renewed ServiceTerm. “Space” means either Rack Space, Caged Space or Rooftop Space (as the case may be). “Third Party Non-RecurringCharges” means the one-off payment by the Customer to AIMS for services rendered by any appointed third party service provider. “Third Party RecurringCharges” means the monthly recurring payment by the Customer to AIMS for services rendered by any appointed third party service provider.
Rack Space. Means separated space in the respective Facility intended for the Customer’s exclusive use during the Term, in which the Customer will install Customer Equipment for optical signal transmission at its own expense. The size of the Rack Space and the requirement for the Contractor to provide it with power and Dark Fibres is specified in Schedule 5.
Rack Space means a designated area in the Datacenter. ▪ Remote Access Service means the secured distant access to the Customer Infrastructure services offered by DCLUX as part of the Managed Hosting Services. ▪ Service or Services mean any service or equipment referenced in DCLUX offering and provided by DCLUX ▪ Service Level Agreement means the agreement setting forth the service level commitment and guaranties applicable to a Service. ▪ Service Start Date means the date when DCLUX notify the Customer that the Service is available for their use. ▪ Shared Rack Space means a designated area shared by several customers of DCLUX in the Datacenter ▪ Specific Terms and Conditions mean the terms and conditions additional to these General Terms and Conditions which apply to a Service ordered or used by a the Customer. ▪ Underlying License or Lease means the agreement between DCLUX and the Datacenter landlord.