Examples of Dates of attendance in a sentence
Directory Information consists of the following data: Name; Address; Telephone number, if listed; Date and place of birth; Internally generated pupil number; Participation in officially recognized activities and sports; Weight and height, if an athletic team member; Most recent previous school or program attended; Dates of attendance at schools in the District; Degrees, awards and honors received; Major field of study; and Photographs and video.
Name of institution Location (city and state) Dates of attendance Degree earned or expected * Questions regarding race, gender and marital status are optional, but important in determining the effectiveness of efforts related to the provision of equal educational opportunity.
DULA has defined directory information as the following:* Name, including former name* Local and permanent address* Telephone number* Email addresses* Major and minor fields of study* Dates of attendance* Enrollment status (e.g. graduate, full-time, or part-time)* Degrees, certificates, and awards received* Most recent previous school attended.
Directory Information consists of the following data:• Name;• Address;• Telephone number, if listed;• Date and place of birth;• Internally generated pupil number;• Participation in officially recognized activities and sports;• Weight and height, if an athletic team member;• Most recent previous school or program attended;• Dates of attendance at schools in the District;• Degrees, awards and honors received;• Major field of study; and• Photographs and video.
Dates of attendance in the “schools attended” area, in conjunction with the course dates, can be used to derive this information.