Examples of Days Cash on Hand in a sentence
Definition: Days Cash on Hand = Cash and Short-Term Investments divided by (Total Hospital and Medical Expenses plus Total Administrative Expenses) divided by 365.
Days Cash on Hand The average number of days of cash available to pay for expenses that is maintained in cash accounts.
Days Cash on Hand Total cash divided by (total budgeted expenditures - depreciation)/365 Less than 20 days Current Ratio Current assets divided by current liabilities Less than 1.0 Enrollment Actual FTEs divided by budgeted FTEs Below 90% Review how schools are progressing during the school year against their budget and financial goals and provide schools with targeted feedback.
Days Cash on Hand Total cash divided by (total budgeted expenditures – depreciation)/365 Less than 20 days Review how schools are progressing during the school year against their budget and financial goals and provide schools with targeted feedback.
In terms of due process, assuming that Plaintiff has indeed discharged its duty to make a reasonable and diligent search of the chain of title, and failed to identify anyone who might be known to have an interest therein, use of a generic “anyone and everyone” summons is permissible.