DB Program definition
Examples of DB Program in a sentence
Due to the passage of PEPRA, CalSTRS DB Program has two benefit structures, 2% at 60 and newer 2% at 62 and both require a policy for setting the contribution rate.
A one-time lump sum death payment is payable to the beneficiary upon the death of an active or retired DB Program member under certain conditions specified in statute.
The board shall commission an actuarial valuation of the Defined Benefit (DB) Program annually, using the most recently adopted demographic and economic assumptions, including the period of time over which gains and losses that differ from assumed investment return are recognized and the actuarial cost method (different actuarial cost methods may be used depending on the purpose of the liability calculation).
Together, the DC Program and the DB Program set forth the terms of a single Plan.
Section 22162 of the Education Code specifies that, beginning July 1, 2010, “Regular Interest Rate” means an interest rate that is equal to the actuarially assumed rate of return on investments on assets of the DB Program and is adopted annually by the board with respect to the DB Program.
The "Regular Interest Rate" is used by the DB Program to charge interest among other items on (1) previously refunded retirement contributions when a member elects to redeposit those contributions, and (2) installment payments for the (a) redeposit of contributions or (b) purchase of additional service credit.
Covered Employees shall not be entitled to, and shall not receive, a Special Early Retirement Pension pursuant to Section 4.03 of the DB Program.
Funding Policy: DB Program benefits are funded by contributions from members, employers, the primary government, and earnings from investments.
Except as otherwise provided in this Appendix ERW, all defined terms shall have the meaning given to them in Section 2.01 of the DB Program.
For the avoidance of doubt, the Special Early Retirement Pension made available pursuant to this Appendix ERW shall be in lieu of the Special Early Retirement Pension pursuant to Rule 4.03 of the DB Program.