Declarant definition
Examples of Declarant in a sentence
Xxxx, and Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx, being the initial ciirectors of the hereinafter defined l't'"HEREAS, Declarant :is the owr:er of the real property describod in attached hereto and incorporated herein by this the Properties (he:einafte� defined) �u�ually benefieial reference.
Declarant , however, hereby expressly reserves the right to replat any Lot or Lots prior to conveyance of such Lot or Lots by Decl a rant .
Declarant , at all times during the Class B Control Period , shall have the right to erect a ndjor di splay s igns in connection with the development of the Prope rti es a nd the sale , lease , rental and/ or construct ion of improvements on the Lots , and to erect reasonable s igns endors ing pol itical candidates andjor issues .
Declaran-t desires to provide a preservation, use of Proparties, �he Properties, and to establish a method for the ao�inistraticn, whether maintena�ce, and xxxx��ent the �ow or hereafter subject to thLs Declaration; Now �rlEREFORE, Declarant ha�e�y decla�es all the that ma�· by amendment be.
Declarant he reby reserves to itse lf and for Owners in all future pha ses , a perpetual easement and right-of-way for access over , upon , and across the Properties for construction , util ities , dra inage , i ngress and egress , a nd for use of the Areas of Common Responsibil ity .