Examples of Decommissioning Cost in a sentence
The rate reduction will be applicable to the customer's base bill for the Qualifying Service Location before the application of the State Tax Adjustment and Nuclear Decommissioning Cost Adjustment.
On June 9, 1994, the KCC issued an order approving the estimated decommissioning costs of the 1993 Wolf Creek Decommissioning Cost Study which estimates the Company's share of Wolf Creek decommissioning costs, under the immediate dismantlement method, to be approximately $595 million during the period 2025 through 2033, or approximately $174 million in 1993 dollars.
ESTIMATED COST: • The 2017 Decommissioning Cost Estimate for SONGS 1 is $209 million, and $4.479 billion for SONGS 2&3.
PROPOSED OUTCOME: • Resolves Phase 2 and Phase 3 of the proceeding.• Approves decommissioning expenses for the 2016-2017 review period for San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS).• Approves reasonableness of 2017 Decommissioning Cost Estimates.• Maintains annual contributions to respective SONGS 1 and SONGS 2&3 Nuclear Decommissioning Trusts at $0.00.• Closes the proceeding.
The rate reduction will be applicable to the customer's base bill for the Qualifying Service Location before the application of the State Tax Adjustment, Federal Tax Adjustment Credit and Nuclear Decommissioning Cost Adjustment.Any customer will not be eligible for the rate reduction in any month in which the customer has an unpaid balance which includes late payment charges.