Examples of Defense equipment in a sentence
The JIC will include representation from DOE, DOD, FEMA, and other Federal agencies, as well as State and local governments.National defense area (NDA)An area established on non-Federal lands located within the United States, its possessions or territories, for the purpose of safeguarding classified defense information, or protecting Department of Defense equipment and material.
The $21.4 billion covers military hardware, subsistence, fuel, construction, services, and other miscellaneous items that are for use outside the U.S. Defense equipment constitutes approximately 10.5 percent of the purchases from foreign entities.
The IPT focuses on the customer and the goals of their activities are to achieve a smooth flow of responsibility from the start to the finish of the acquisition process.The central theme of the government’s approach to procurement of Defense equipment is value for money, hence, competition continues to be the MOD’s main tool in achieving this procurement goal.The phases of the acquisition cycle are concept, assessment, demonstration, manufacture and in-service.
Research in this field would focus on strengthening the Polaris from the different soft attacks that Department of Defense equipment has been the target of.
Each of the Executive Directors is responsible for managing the procurement of different systems or types of Defense equipment and is assisted by ten Support Directors who manage grouping of similar types and ranges of equipment.
Tradeways, a Delaware corporation based in Annapolis, Maryland, markets itself as “a recognized leader in the international Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC) Defense Community, specializing in the field of NBC Defense equipment by allied governmental organizations.” Profile, TRADEWAYS, LTD, http://www.tradewaysusa.com/eng/profile.cfm (lastaccessed June 14, 2020); see ECF 1, ¶¶ 1-2.
After approval of the construction of a garage to house Civil Defense equipment passed at the 2018 Annual Town Meeting, it was determined that the land identified to satisfy the no-net-loss provisions of Article 97 of the Massachusetts Constitution was unsuitable to meet such requirements.
Henceforth, based on these approaches, MOD will promote measures to (1) Improve the contract system, (2) Measures regarding R&D, (3) Defense equipment and technology cooperation, (4) Measures regarding defense industry organization, (5) Strengthen MOD’s structure, and (6) Measures in cooperation with relevant ministries.
Collaborative ventures with other countries are also resorted to because Defense equipment has become increasingly complex and expensive but only as an approach to obtaining the best value.
Defense equipment contracts often focus more on the improved performance of a product, than the price.