Examples of Defined Costs in a sentence
Moreover, the Owner will at the request of the Operator assume the defence of any proceeding brought by any third party to establish any such liability, the costs of any such defence being a Defined Cost.25.02 The Operator agrees that to the extent specified in this Clause25.02 the Operator will indemnify and save harmless the Owner in respect of the amount, if any, by which Defined Costs exceed Total Revenue during an accounting year.
These will include: mandating the use of a PBA for payment of all Defined Costs and defining the payment process and notice provisions required for its operation; and defining the procedures by which a contractor sets up and implements a PBA.
With regard to the latter, as stated above, this is claimed upon either CECA rates or the principle of Defined Costs using Notional Rates.
The method of recording costs enables accurate calculation of Defined Costs and reporting activity costs.
When presenting a claim to a Third party and the Court, KHL do not provide their schedule of Defined Costs; no one is able to determine whether the rates being charged are in accordance with the process KHL state they apply, the process set out in the contract.
Contractor’s treatment of these Defined Costs correct in his application for payment?[6 marks]The Price for ‘Install Water Pump’ is shown on the Activity Schedule as £10,000.
The Defined Costs really do need to be realistically market based.Charges associated with premises used by the Provider to Provide the Services are dealt with as follows:For Employer's Premises and the Provider's Main Premises - monthly charges will have to be stated as part of the Pricing Schedule.
The ITT documents explained that any NEC3 contracts contain two financial elements, namely, Defined Costs calculated by reference to the Schedules of Cost Components and the fee which is normally the contractors overhead and profit recovery calculated by applying the fee percentages to the defined cost.
The Contractor must provide written copies of quotes, invoices of plant materials and any work subcontracted in order to substantiate Defined Costs of compensation events.
An extract from the Contract describing what is expected from ECI is reproduced at the end of the response to this question.The Term Civil Engineering Contract is in place and is with a single supplier tendered in compliance with the Public Contract Regulations and EU Directives.Target Prices are derived using tendered Defined Costs (equivalent to resource rates) and benchmarked against similar projects and activities to ensure best value and consistency.