Delay Option definition
Examples of Delay Option in a sentence
The aims of this study are threefold: first, to predict the long- term effects of acculturation experiences, dimensions and ethnic, national, and bicultural profiles or orientations on the psychological well-being and sociocultural adaptation of immigrants, using data from a 12-year follow-up study on Vietnamese in Finland.
Non-price terms and conditions for the Delay Option that are not specified in Appendix E should be provided in a separately marked copy of the Term Sheet, Appendix D.
The Participant is requested to provide a Delay Option to PG&E, as defined above in SectionII.A and further detailed in Section XIII – Pricing, Terms and Conditions.
The detailed structure of the Delay Option will be finalized with shortlisted Participants prior to Final Offers.
Pricing information for the Delay Option should be separately specified in Appendix E, identifying any additional cost of the Delay Option in the form of a lump sum payment(s) prior to the Guaranteed Commercial Availability Date of the facility.
Non-price terms and conditions for the Delay Option should be provided in a separately marked copy of the Term Sheet, Appendix D.
Amend RSA 371 by inserting after section 16 the fol- lowing new section: 371:16-a Project Delay; Option to Purchase.
Ms. Bitbadal displayed a One Year Delay Option on a chart presented overhead.Councilmember Nuñez asked Ms. Bitbadal as to which groups or people were involved in coming up with exemptions.
The pricing set forth in Appendix E for each Power Purchase Offer variation or the pricing for a Facility Ownership Offer should not change due to the Delay Option.
Regarding this method, there may be three main types of options in this type of valuation, Option to Delay, Option to Expand and Option to Liquidate.