Examples of Unredacted version in a sentence
C.1. All information for the technical proposal must be combined into a single file/document for uploading Proposals containing confidential information must be submitted as two separate files: Unredacted version for evaluation purposes. Upload unredacted version in “Unredacted Technical Proposal Envelope 1.1” Redacted version (information blacked out and not omitted or removed) for the public file. Upload redacted version in “Redacted Technical Proposal Envelope 1.3” 2.
C.1. All information for the technical proposal must be combined into a single file/document for uploading Proposals containing confidential information must be submitted as two separate files:• Unredacted version for evaluation purposes. Upload unredacted version in “Unredacted Technical Proposal Envelope 1.1” • Redacted version (information blacked out and not omitted or removed) for the public file. Upload redacted version in “Redacted Technical Proposal Envelope 1.3” 2.
Proposals containing confidential information must be submitted as two (2) separate binders: Un-redacted version for evaluation purposes; and Redacted version (information blacked out and not omitted or removed) for the public file.
Proposals containing confidential information must be submitted as two (2) separate binders. Un-redacted version for evaluation purposes; and Redacted version (information blacked out and not omitted or removed) for the public file.
Responses containing confidential information must be submitted as two separate binders:• Unredacted version for evaluation purposes• Redacted version (information blacked out and not omitted or removed) for the public file Any proposal that does not adhere to the requirements of this Section and Section IV Proposal Content and Organization, may be deemed non-responsive and rejected on that basis.
In developing this proposal, we reviewed the academic leadership education programs offered at 15 institutions, including State of Iowa Board of Regents institutions, Peer 11 institutions, Big 12 institutions, and selected institutions with nationally-recognized programs.
C.1. All information for the technical proposal must be combined into a single file/document for uploading ⮚ Proposals containing confidential information must be submitted as two separate files:• Unredacted version for evaluation purposes.▪ Upload unredacted version in “Unredacted Technical Proposal Envelope 1.1” • Redacted version (information blacked out and not omitted or removed) for the public file.▪ Upload redacted version in “Redacted Technical Proposal Envelope 1.3” 2.
The submitter shall specifically identify any alterations made to the unredacted version, including the location and number of lines or pages removed.(c) If electronic, the redacted version shall be filed in a searchable format, unless the submitter certifies that doing so would be impracticable.§ 3007.203 Unredacted version of the non-public materials.
The electronic version/copy CANNOT be emailed.➢ OR: Proposals containing confidential information must be submitted as two separate binder types:• Unredacted version for evaluation purposes: one (1) original and four (4) hard copies and two (2) electronic• Redacted version (information blacked out and not omitted or removed) for the public file: one (1) original and one (1) electronic.
We are aware that the notion of saturation has been subject to debate within the realm of qualitative research, as described by O’Reilly and Parker (2013) and Braun and Clarke (2019).