Design Services means architect services, engineer services or landscape architect services.
Interconnection Service means the physical and electrical interconnection of the Customer Facility with the Transmission System pursuant to the terms of Tariff, Part IV and Tariff, Part VI and the Interconnection Service Agreement entered into pursuant thereto by Interconnection Customer, the Interconnected Transmission Owner and Transmission Provider.
Generation Service means the sale of electricity, including ancillary services such as the provision of reserves, to a Customer by a Competitive Supplier.
Support Service means an activity, such as information technology, accounting, human resources, legal, and other support functions that are required to support the ongoing delivery of core services.
Installation Services means all those services ancillary to the supply of the Plant and Equipment for the Facilities, to be provided by the Contractor under the Contract; e.g., transportation and provision of marine or other similar insurance, inspection, expediting, site preparation works (including the provision and use of Contractor’s Equipment and the supply of all construction materials required), installation, testing, pre-commissioning, commissioning, operations, maintenance, the provision of operations and maintenance manuals, training, etc.
Surplus Interconnection Service means any unneeded portion of Interconnection Service established in an Interconnection Service Agreement, such that if Surplus Interconnection Service is utilized, the total amount of Interconnection Service at the Point of Interconnection would remain the same.
Design flow means the average annual flow or average daily flow specified in an approved facilities plan or approved plans and specifications, the flow specified in a WPDES permit, or the flow required to meet performance standards.
Electric generation service means the provision of retail
Design storm means a hypothetical discrete rainstorm characterized by a specific duration, temporal distribution, rainfall intensity, return frequency, and total depth of rainfall.
Electric System Upgrades means any Network Upgrades, Distribution Upgrades, or Interconnection Facilities that are determined to be necessary by the CAISO or Participating Transmission Owner, as applicable, to physically and electrically interconnect the Project to the Participating Transmission Owner’s electric system for receipt of Energy at the Point of Interconnection (as defined in the CAISO Tariff) if connecting to the CAISO Grid, or the Interconnection Point, if connecting to a part of the Participating TO’s electric system that is not part of the CAISO Grid.
In-service means an educational program, which is designed to increase the knowledge, skills, and overall effectiveness of personnel.
Interconnection Service(s) means any Interconnection, Resale Services, 251(c)(3) UNEs, Collocation, functions, facilities, products or services offered under this Agreement.
900 service means an inbound toll telecommunications service purchased by a subscriber that allows the subscriber's customers to call in to the subscriber's prerecorded announcement or live service, and which is typically marketed under the name "900 service" and any subsequent numbers designated by the federal communications commission. "900 service" does not include the charge for collection services provided by the seller of the telecommunications service to the subscriber, or services or products sold by the subscriber to the subscriber's customer.
911 Service means a universal telephone number which gives the public direct access to the Public Safety Answering Point (“PSAP”). Basic 911 service collects 911 calls from one or more local exchange switches that serve a geographic area. The calls are then sent to the correct authority designated to receive such calls.
Application Services means the hosted applications and related services as described in Exhibit A.
Staffing service means any person, other than a professional employer organization, that hires its
Construction Services means either of the following for construction-manager-at-risk, design-build and job-order-contracting project delivery methods:
Service Specification means and includes detailed description, statements to technical data, performance characteristics, and standards (Indian as well as International) as applicable and as specified in the Contract, as well as those specifications relating to Industry standards and codes applicable to the performance of the work, work performance quality and specifications affecting the work or any additional specification required to be produced by the Bidder to meet the design criteria.
Basic generation service or "BGS" means electric generation
CMU Service means the Central Moneymarkets Unit Service, operated by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority;
Foreign Service means service in which a Government servant receives his pay with the sanction of the Government from any source other than the Consolidated Fund of India or the Consolidated Fund of a State or the Consolidated Fund of a Union territory;
Utility Services means any products, services, and equipment related to energy, telecommunications,
Service Specifications means the following documents, as applicable to the Services under Your order: (a) the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies, the Program Documentation, the Oracle service descriptions, and the Oracle Corporate Security Practices; (b) Oracle’s privacy policies; and (c) any other Oracle documents that are referenced in or incorporated into Your order. The following do not apply to any non-Cloud Oracle service offerings acquired under Your order, such as professional services: the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies and Program Documentation. The following do not apply to any Oracle- provided Software: the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies.
system user means a natural or legal person supplying to, or being supplied by, a transmission or distribution system;
Service Drop means a cable that, by its design, capacity and relationship to other cables of the Company, can be reasonably considered to be for the sole purpose of connecting backbone of the Equipment to not more than one individual customer or building point of presence or property.
Design Standards means the standards developed as a requirement of the Programmatic Agreement