Designated Bank definition

Designated Bank means any bank designated by Lender as a Designated Bank, but only for as long as Lender has an agreement under which Lender receives Depository Benefits from that bank.
Designated Bank means a special purpose corporation that (i) shall have become a party to this Agreement pursuant to Section 14.1(f), and (ii) is not otherwise a Lender.
Designated Bank means (in the case of payment in a Specified Currency other than euro) a bank in the principal financial centre of the country of such Specified Currency (which, if the Specified Currency is Australian dollars, New Zealand dollars or Renminbi, shall be Sydney, Auckland and Hong Kong, respectively) and (in the case of a payment in euro) any bank which processes payments in euro. Payments of interest and payments of instalments of principal (other than the final instalment) in respect of each Registered Note (whether or not in global form) will be made on the relevant due date to the Designated Account of the holder (or the first named of joint holders) of the Registered Note appearing in the Register (i) where in global form, at the close of the business day (being for this purpose, in respect of Notes clearing through Euroclear and Clearstream, Luxembourg, a day on which Euroclear and Clearstream, Luxembourg are open for business and in respect of Notes clearing through the CMU Service, a day on which the CMU Service is open for business) before the relevant due date, and (ii) where in definitive form, at the close of business on the fifteenth day (whether or not such fifteenth day is a business day) before the relevant due date (the “Record Date”) at his address shown in the Register on the Record Date and at his risk. Upon application of the holder to the specified office of the Registrar not less than three business days in the city where the specified office of the Registrar is located before the due date for any payment of interest in respect of a Registered Note, the payment may be made by transfer on the due date in the manner provided in the preceding paragraph. Any such application for transfer shall be deemed to relate to all future payments of interest (other than interest due on redemption) and instalments of principal (other than the final instalment) in respect of the Registered Notes which become payable to the holder who has made the initial application until such time as the Registrar is notified in writing to the contrary by such holder. Payment of the interest due in respect of each Registered Note on redemption and the final instalment of principal will be made in the same manner as payment of the principal amount of such Registered Note. No commissions or expenses shall be charged to the holders by the Registrar in respect of any payments of principal or interest in respect of the Registered Notes. None of the Issuer, the Guarantor or ...

Examples of Designated Bank in a sentence

  • Notwithstanding the previous sentence, if (i) a holder does not have a Designated Account or (ii) the principal amount of the Registered Notes held by a holder is less than U.S.$250,000 (or its approximate equivalent in any other Specified Currency), payment will instead be made by a cheque in the Specified Currency drawn on a Designated Bank (as defined below).

More Definitions of Designated Bank

Designated Bank means (in the case of payment in a Specified Currency other than Euro) a bank in the principal financial centre of the country of such Specified Currency (which, if the Specified Currency is Australian dollars or New Zealand dollars, shall be Sydney and Auckland) and (in the case of a payment in Euro) any bank which processes payments in Euro. Payments of interest in respect of each Registered Note (whether or not in global form) will be made by a cheque in the Specified Currency drawn on a Designated Bank and mailed by uninsured mail on the business day in the city where the specified office of the Registrar is located immediately preceding the relevant due date to the holder (or the first named of joint holders) of the Registered Note appearing in the Register at the close of business on the Record Date at his address shown in the Register on the Record Date and at his risk. Upon application of the holder to the specified office of the Registrar not less than three business days in the city where the specified office of the Registrar is located before the due date for any payment of interest in respect of a Registered Note, the payment may be made by transfer on the due date in the manner provided in the preceding paragraph. Any such application for transfer shall be deemed to relate to all future payments of interest (other than interest due on redemption) in respect of the Registered Notes which become payable to the holder who has made the initial application until such time as the Registrar is notified in writing to the contrary by such holder. Payment of the interest due in respect of each Registered Note on redemption will be made in the same manner as payment of the principal amount of such Registered Note. Holders of Registered Notes will not be entitled to any interest or other payment for any delay in receiving any amount due in respect of any Registered Note as a result of a cheque posted in accordance with this Condition arriving after the due date for payment or being lost in the post. No commissions or expenses shall be charged to such holders by the Registrar in respect of any payments of principal or interest in respect of the Registered Notes. None of the Issuer, the Guarantor and the Agents will have any responsibility or liability for any aspect of the records relating to, or payments made on account of, beneficial ownership interests in the Registered Global Notes or for maintaining, supervising or reviewing any records relating to su...
Designated Bank means a scheduled bank in India, which has been authorized by the Reserve Bank of India to act as a banker to foreign portfolio investors;
Designated Bank means bank designated by the Stock Broker and for which payment gateway is provided for facilitating Clients to transfer funds for their securities and other related transactions.
Designated Bank means (in the case of payment in a Specified Currency other than euro) a bank in the principal financial centre of the country of such Specified Currency (which, if the Specified Currency is Australian dollars, New Zealand dollars or Renminbi, shall be Sydney, Auckland, or Hong Kong, respectively) and (in the case of a payment in euro) any bank which processes payments in euro.
Designated Bank means a bank that has been designated by the Treasury by virtue of section 4(7) or 5(9);
Designated Bank means a special purpose corporation sponsored by its Designating Bank that is identified as such on the signature pages hereto next to the caption "Designated Bank" as well as each special purpose corporation sponsored by its Designating Bank that (i) shall have become a party to this Agreement pursuant to Section 9.08(g), and (ii) is not otherwise a Bank.