Designated Trail definition
Examples of Designated Trail in a sentence
No later than the timing set forth in the Comprehensive Recreational Phasing and Financing Plan of the subdivision improvements, Landowner shall design, construct, and grant a Designated Trail System.
CAMBA may establish Designated Trail reroutes of less than .25 mile within the general existing trail corridor without prior permission by the County if such reroutes are necessary due to erosion or unsustainability of the existing trail, or to improve the overall quality of the trail and/or the user’s experience.
The County shall incur no liability or costs for any trail development project or ongoing maintenance of any Designated Trail.
Segments of the Designated Trail System shall be phased to provide connectivity to other transit corridors within the Property.
Designated Trail- A trail signed for a specific recreational activity that has been approved for that use by the Lincoln County Forestry, Land and Parks Committee.
Any decision to open or close a Designated Trail shall be made cooperatively between the County and CAMBA.
The Project Approvals include a five (5) acre Neighborhood Park, the Lake Park (including the recreational and open space improvements included in the Lake Park), Pocket Parks, a village green, and a Designated Trail System, together with recreational and open-space improvements to these areas.
The Neighborhood Park and Designated Trail System shall be publicly owned and maintained, and open to the public for use and enjoyment.