Examples of Detection agent in a sentence
Detection agent: once the detection agent is launched, it starts the detection of unlicensed spectrum holes and it will update the allocation table of its coalition in periodic and adaptive manner (Figure 7), this period changes depending on the number of demands, if the number of demands is large in coalition then the period is short, else the period becomes longer.
The School entered into a lease agreement with River City Edu Management, LLC (LLC), a related party through common control, for its educational facilities beginning April 2021 through July 1, 2055.
This approach differs from the previous VNF- and host-level agents, which just dropped traffic without notifying the user.The Network-level Detection agent iterates with a longer period than then VNF-/Host-level agents, since it is meant to mitigate overloads that persist for a longer time (e.g., we consider a time period of 30 seconds for Network-level detection).
Section 3 provides an overview of Colored Linux while our proposed Information Leakage Detection agent community is discussed in Section 4.