Detonation definition
Examples of Detonation in a sentence
Detonation is an explosion in which a chemical transformation passes through the material faster than the speed of sound.
The Office of Nuclear Detonation Detection is soliciting research in quantum sensor approaches useful in underground nuclear explosion monitoring applications, in which dynamic seismoacoustic and electromagnetic energy is propagated (Sweeney, 1989; Soloviev et al, 2002).
Yue 3132Thermal Behavior of a Flow in a Pulsed Detonation Thermal Spraying DeviceM.K. Alkam and P.B. Butler 3138Studies on the Effect of Approach Angle and Process Parameters in Face MillingR.T. Sadasiva, K.
In such situations, the following shall apply: HTRW material may be in munitions, containers, landfills, Open Burning/Open Detonation (OB/OD) areas, ground spills, surface water or groundwater.
Detonation of an explosive device will involve a superintendent's hearing to consider a longer period of suspension or permanent suspension and law enforcement contact.
The Office of Nuclear Detonation Detection is soliciting the development of the mobile particulate detector concept using a low-volume system, collecting 100 standard cubic meters of air per hour, and using an electrostatic precipitator, operating with a collection efficiency of 80% or greater for 0.2 micrometer particles.
DNN R&D has two sub-Offices: Proliferation Detection and Nuclear Detonation Detection.
The Office of Nuclear Detonation Detection is soliciting applications to develop advanced separation technologies to purify individual REEs from bulk material consisting of various geologic matrices, such as silicon dioxide, monazite, xenotime, and other uranium and thorium bearing minerals.
B., FLAME Facility - The Effects of Obstacles and Transverse Venting on Flame Acceleration and Transition to Detonation for Hydrogen-Air Mixtures at Large Scale, NUREG/CR-5275, April 1989.
The Office of Nuclear Detonation Detection is soliciting applications to develop data processing tools to evaluate data from multiple analytical techniques such as autoradiography, X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), electron microprobe, Raman spectroscopy, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), SIMS, electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and atom probe tomography (APT).