Stage 1 Sample Clauses
Stage 1. (a) An aggrieved Employee shall first submit her representation in writing to her Supervisor or designate either directly or through her Union Xxxxxxx. Any such grievance shall be presented within 10 Working Days of the time when the circumstances giving rise to the grievance were known or ought to have been known to the Employee. Such representations shall state the nature of the grievance, the remedy sought and any provisions of the Agreement upon which the grievance is based.
(b) The Supervisor shall provide a Stage 1 reply in writing within 5 Working Days from the date the written grievance was presented to her.
Stage 1. The employee shall first submit the matter in writing, to the Xxxx/Administrator involved, within thirty (30) working days of the date on which the incident giving rise to the alleged grievance occurred or of the time when the grievor could have reasonably been expected to become aware of the incident, whichever is later. The Xxxx/Administrator shall respond within five (5) working days. This stage shall be considered as the official commencement of the grievance procedure. A copy of the submission shall be sent to the Association President and the Director of Human Resources. General union or policy grievances will commence at Stage II.
Stage 1 a. If it is determined that a grievance should be filed, the grievant must file with the supervisor a completed Grievance Report [See Appendix D] in accordance with the aforementioned time limits. The alleged violation(s) as set forth in the Grievance Report shall control the scope of the grievance from Stage 1 through and including Stage 4. The supervisor shall meet with the grievant in an effort to resolve the grievance. The supervisor shall indicate the disposition of the grievance within fourteen (14) days after the filing of the grievance by completing Stage 1 of the Grievance Report and returning it to the grievant. The Assistant Superintendent of Operations, and the Federation shall both receive a copy of the disposition.
Stage 1. It is the mutual desire of the parties that complaints of employees be adjusted as quickly as possible and it is understood that if an employee has a complaint, the employee may along with a xxxxxxx discuss it with the employee’s immediate supervisor within ten (10) working days after the circumstances giving rise to the complaint have occurred, or have come or ought to reasonably to have come to the attention of the employee in order to give the immediate supervisor an opportunity of adjusting the complaint.
Stage 1. Any attempt to settle any difference shall be made by discussion between the grievor and the appropriate Administrator (or the Union if the University is the Grievor). This stage shall not exceed seven (7) calendar days and shall be commenced within thirty (30) calendar days after the cause of difference. An individual employee must be accompanied by a Union representative in the conduct of his/her grievance. For the purposes of this clause, the term “Union representative” means a member of the Union executive or Union xxxxxxx. Stage I for Group, Union and Policy grievances shall be a referral to the Union’s Vice President Chief Xxxxxxx and the University’s Manager, Employee Relations. The time limit for initiating a Group, Union or Policy grievance shall be ninety (90) working days after the cause of the difference. This stage shall not exceed fourteen (14) calendar days.
Stage 1. Any attempt to settle any difference shall be made by discussion between the grievor and the appropriate Administrator (or the Union if the College is the Grievor). This stage shall not exceed seven (7) calendar days and shall be commenced within thirty
Stage 1. (a) The employee must inform his or her manager. This may be done verbally and/or in writing setting out the grounds on which the complaint is based.
(b) The manager must provide a written response within seven days. If the response does not contain a decision, it must indicate approximately when a decision can be expected.
Stage 1. The Parties encourage employees to discuss any dispute or difference relating to this Agreement with their immediate supervisor as soon as possible, and for the purpose of this Subarticle 18.04 not later than thirty (30) calendar days from the date of the action which led to the dispute or difference. A Job Xxxxxxx or other Union representative may attend at the option of the employee.
Stage 1. If a dispute is not resolved informally, the Union may submit to the Associate Vice- President, Human Resources, with a copy to the appropriate Xxxx, a written grievance signed by a duly authorized official of the Union within thirty (30) days of the discovery of the incident which is the subject of the grievance. The Union or Human Resources shall request a meeting with the appropriate Xxxx or designate at which both parties shall be present. The Xxxx, or designate, in consultation with Human Resources, will render a written decision within fourteen (14) days of receiving the grievance.
Stage 1. The employee concerned, together with a xxxxxxx shall take up any grievance with their immediate supervisor within ten (10) working days of the event upon which the grievance is based. The supervisor will give their decision within ten (10) working days.