Examples of Development regulation in a sentence
Development regulation A unified development ordinance, zoning regulation, subdivision regulation, erosion and sedimentation control regulation, floodplain or flood damage prevention regulation, mountain ridge protection regulation, stormwater control regulation, wireless telecommunication facility regulation, historic preservation or landmark regulation, housing code, State Building Code enforcement, or any other regulation adopted, or a local act or charter that regulates land use or development.
Development regulation - Zoning, subdivision, land development plan, development plan review, historic district, official map, flood plain regulation, soil erosion control or any other governmental regulation of the use and development of land.
Of the regulations listed in OMB’s table of the Summary of Agency Estimates for Final Rules,• 17 are environmental, health or safety regulations;• One other, a Housing and Urban Development regulation to provide low income housing, is a social regulation;• Only three are non-social regulations;• Only one of the regulations listed by OMB deals with trade; and,• None of them relates to price controls, business practices, international trade and investment or public ownership.
Management of Ongoing Operations: Rural Development regulation 7 CFR 3560 provides details on allowable and unallowable operating costs, and places restrictions on the use of identity-of-interest companies and other activities related to managing RRH properties.
Development regulation is also one of the aspects which play a vital role in implementation of LR in any area.