direct bidding definition

direct bidding means a procurement method where a bid is obtained directly from a single bidder, without any competition;

Related to direct bidding

  • Solicitation Procedures Order means the order of the Bankruptcy Court or other court of competent jurisdiction approving the Debtors' proposed procedures to govern their solicitation of votes on this Plan.

  • Competitive bidding means a transparent process for procurement of equipment, services and works in which bids are invited by the project developer by open advertisement covering the scope and specifications of the equipment, services and works required for the project, and the terms and conditions of the proposed contract as well as the criteria by which bids shall be evaluated, and shall include domestic competitive bidding and international competitive bidding;

  • Bid Procedures Order means an Order of the Bankruptcy Court that (a) is in substantially the form set forth as Exhibit A to this Agreement or otherwise in a form reasonably satisfactory to the Sellers and acceptable to the Buyer in its sole discretion, and (b) approves procedures for the solicitation and consideration of competitive bids for the Assets under the terms and conditions of this Agreement and authorizing the protections set forth in Article 11 for the Buyer.

  • Bidding Procedures Order means that certain order of the Bankruptcy Court, entitled “Order (A) Approving Sale Procedures and Bid Protections, Including Break-Up Fee(s), In Connection With Sale Of Substantially All Assets; (B) Scheduling An Auction For And Hearing To Approve One Or More Sales; (C) Approving Notice Of Respective Date, Time And Place For Auction And For Hearing On Approval Of Sale(s),” entered on January 16, 2009.

  • Competitive Sealed Bidding means the competitive process described within an Invitation for Bids, wherein the City invites Offerors to submit bids to supply the City with the Goods and/or Service describes in the Solicitation document, where the City will award the resulting contract to the responsible Offeror submitting the low responsive bid.

  • competitive bidding process means a competitive bidding process referred to in paragraph 12 (1) (d) of this Policy;

  • Resident bidder means a bidder that has paid unemployment taxes or income taxes in this state during the 12 calendar months immediately preceding submission of the bid, has a business address in this state and has stated in the bid whether the bidder is a “resident bidder” under this paragraph.

  • Auction Procedures means the Auction Procedures that are set forth in Paragraph 10 of the Articles Supplementary.

  • Bidder/Bidding Company means Bidding Company submitting the Bid. Any reference to the Bidder includes Bidding Company / including its successors, executors and permitted assigns as the context may require;

  • Open Competitive Bidding means a fair and transparent specified procedure defined under these Rules, advertised in the prescribed manner, leading to the award of a contract whereby all interested persons, firms, companies or organizations may bid for the contract and includes both National and International Competitive Biddings;

  • Bidding Procedures means the procedures governing the Auction and sale of all or substantially all of the Debtors’ assets, as approved by the Bankruptcy Court and as may be amended from time to time in accordance with their terms.

  • Successful Bidder(s) means the bidder(s) to whom work in this tender is awarded.

  • Qualified Bidder(s means a Bidder who fulfills the eligibility criteria listed out in the E-Auction Process Information Document.

  • Selected Bidder or Successful Bidder means the Bidder selected pursuant to this RfS to set up the Project and supply electrical output as per the terms of PPA.

  • Direct Ordering Procedure means the ordering procedure set out in paragraph 2 of Schedule 5 (Ordering Procedure) of this Framework Agreement;

  • Government Bid means any quotation, bid or proposal submitted to any Governmental Body or any proposed prime contractor or higher-tier subcontractor of any Governmental Body.

  • Interested Bidder means any person or persons who have submitted the Request Letter for Participation along with signed Bid Form, notarized affidavit, signed Declaration, requisite Earnest Money and other necessary documents to complete the eligibility check formalities to the satisfaction of the Liquidator.

  • Designated Bidder means (a) an Eligible Assignee or (b) a special purpose corporation that is engaged in making, purchasing or otherwise investing in commercial loans in the ordinary course of its business and that issues (or the parent of which issues) commercial paper rated at least "Prime-1" (or the then equivalent grade) by Xxxxx'x or "A-1" (or the then equivalent grade) by S&P that, in the case of either clause (a) or (b), (i) is organized under the laws of the United States or any State thereof, (ii) shall have become a party hereto pursuant to Section 8.07(d), (e) and (f) and (iii) is not otherwise a Lender.

  • Auction shall have the meaning specified in Section 2.1 hereof.

  • Contract base bid means the total dollar amount a contractor bids on a contract without factoring any bid incentive or percentage reductions to the bid amount.

  • Eligible Bidder(s) means Bidder(s) who are eligible in terms of this E-Auction Process Memorandum, provisions of IBC and provisions of the Liquidation Process Regulations;

  • Technical Bid means the bid submitted online through the electronic bidding platform, containing the documents as listed out in Clause 2.5.2 of this RFP;

  • Responsive Bidder or Offeror means a person who submits a bid or proposal which conforms in all material respects to the invitation for bids or request for proposals.

  • Tenderer/Bidder means any persons, partnership firm or company submitting a sum or sums in the Bills of Quantities in accordance with the Instructions to Tenderers, Conditions of Contract Parts I and II, Specifications, Drawings and Bills of Quantities for the work contemplated, acting directly or through a legally appointed representative.

  • Selected Bidder or “Successful Bidder” shall mean the Bidder selected pursuant to this RfS to set up the Project and supply electrical output as per the terms of standard PPA.

  • Competing Offer means a Tender Offer for Units which (i) is Commenced prior to the expiration of the Offer by a Person that is not an Affiliate (or in the case of Waltxx Xxxeet, as to its Associates only) of any Partner and (ii) has a cash purchase price per Unit that is at least 2% (10% with respect to the first Competing Offer made following the Offer by the Partnership)