Examples of Direct Selling Company in a sentence
Every Direct Selling Company must have a complaint redressal mechanism to address any problem of their customers/Direct Sellers.
It Works! is a Direct Selling Company and therefore rejects other sales channels.
If you are a member of another Direct Selling Company, we highly encourage you to review your existing contract with that company and that company's policies and procedures.
If you are a member of another Direct Selling Company, we highly encourage you to review your existing contract with that company and that company’s policies and procedures.
A Direct Selling Company is any company that offers an income opportunity for independent consultants to sell products to consumers outside of a traditional retail establishment.
Direct Sellers perform their activities by ordering and purchasing products from a Direct Selling Company and by selling them on their behalf to customers.• ProductsThey mean any goods, tangible or intangible, or services.
Direct Selling Company in Romania In the present, the direct sales volume knows an easy growth to 282 million euro in 2011, after what in the 2010 was near 278 million euro and in 2009 around280.4 million euro, conform to Euromonitor statistics.
Every Direct Selling Company must have a complaint redressal mechanism to address any problem of their customers / distributors.
Should an Affiliate engage in such activity, the Affiliate bears the risk of being sued by the other Direct Selling Company.