Director Proposal definition
Examples of Director Proposal in a sentence
Election of DPG Director (Proposal 1b.)At the meeting, holders of DPG common and preferred stock, voting as a single class, are entitled to elect one director for a term ending in 2025, to serve until the annual meeting of shareholders in that year and until his successor shall be duly elected and qualified.
Election of DNP Director (Proposal 1a.)At the meeting, holders of DNP common stock are entitled to elect one director for a term ending in 2025, to serve until the annual meeting of shareholders in that year and until his successor shall be duly elected and qualified.
Under thewould provide to the Bureau’s Director Proposal, the term ‘‘Assistant Director’’a recommended determination.
The following criteria will be used to pre- qualify one or more Consultant(s): • Qualifications and experience• Ability to provide needed services• Demonstrated knowledge, expertise, and success in proposed area• Cost effectiveness• Other factors deemed to be in the best interest of the ICWDB as determined by the Executive Director Proposal responses will be evaluated to determine a pass or fail rating.
A: The board of directors recommends shareholders of Civeo vote “FOR” each of the director nominees named in the Director Proposal, “FOR” the Auditor Proposal and “FOR” the Say-on-Pay Proposal.
In ATC, the preexisting contracts already had been reviewed by the Wisconsin Public Service Commission.
Tuesday, February 12, 2019, at 10:00 a.m. Japan time(Doors of the venue open at 9:00 a.m.)2.Place:Shin-Maru Conference Square, Shin-Marunouchi Building 9F, 5-1, Marunouchi 1-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan3.Meeting Agenda: Proposals to be resolved: Proposal 1:Partial Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation Proposal 2:Issuance of Class A Preferred Shares Through Third-Party Allotment Proposal 3:Election of 1 Director Proposal 4:Reduction of Capital Reserves4.
Proposal Title: Principal Investigator/Project Director: Proposal to be Submitted By: ☐ PI/PD ☐ Office of Sponsored Programs Department/Unit: Funding Source: Proposal Due Date: Projected Start Date: Duration: BUDGET INFORMATION *The federally-approved indirect rate is 56% for projects on campus and 23% for projects off campus and is applied to salaries/wages/fringes.
This 60- minute meeting will include the Contract Manager/Quarterback, Program Director, Proposal Writer, Sr. Proposal Specialist, Chief Operating Officer, and Vice President of Marketing.
Votes cast with respect to the Director Proposal include only those votes cast “FOR” the proposal, and a vote marked “WITHHOLD” with respect to the proposal will not be voted and will not count for or against the proposal.Cumulative voting is not permitted in the election of directors.