Examples of Disabled student in a sentence
Disabled student records shall be located in the Special Education office, where they are available for review by authorized District personnel, parents, and adult students.
If you do not have enough space for your answers to any question, please use an additional sheet of paper.
Disabled student numbers at the University of Edinburgh exceeded 3,000 for the first time in academic year 2013-14, with 3079 students disclosing an impairment.
The recommendation of the Superintendent to approve payment for two (2) 1:1 Aides for an Autistic student and a Multiply Disabled student attending the 2012 extended school year program at The Children’s Institute, Verona, New Jersey, at a cost of $2,625.00 each, per the student’s IEP.
The recommendation of the Superintendent to approve payment for a 1:1 Aide for a Multiply Disabled student attending the 2012 extended school year program at Celebrate the Children, Stanhope, New Jersey, at a cost of $2,200.00, per the student’s IEP.
This requires trained and supported staff with sufficient access to relevant health professionals and sufficient resources to act on the advance care plans decided upon.
The recommendation of the Superintendent to approve payment for a 1:1 Aide for a Multiply Disabled student, attending the 2012 extended school year program at the George Washington School, Hackensack, New Jersey, at a cost of $2,870.00, per the student’s IEP.
Disabled student services includes the provision of physical access and systemwide program accessibility, including academic programs and services, student services, auxiliary programs and services, and information resources and technologies, to all students, faculty, and visitors.
The recommendation of the Superintendent to approve payment for two (2) 1:1 Aides for an Autistic student and a Multiply Disabled student attending the extended school year 2010 program at The Children’s Institute, Verona, New Jersey, as per the student’s IEP at a cost of $2,625.00 each.
Disabled: Disabled student experience health, learning and physical disabilities.