Examples of Distressed Counties in a sentence
Limited rental repair funds will be available for the Most Impacted and Distressed Counties as designated by HUD.By analyzing a number of social vulnerability factors, Disaster Metrics was able to empirically identify the most socially vulnerable census tracts within each FEMA Individual Assistance designated county.
General obligation bonds have been issued for general government activities and are being repaid from the General, Criminal Justice Sales Tax, Distressed Counties Tax funds.
Therefore, only Section V and Section VI of this Notice are applicable to the Insular Area Grantees.• Rural Promise Zones and Appalachian Regional Commission Distressed Counties.
Limited rental repair funds will be available for the Most Impacted and Distressed Counties as designated by HUD.
It receives its funding from providing Jail bed space to other entities as well as the Chelan County General fund.• The Natural Resources fund accounts for resources from federal, state, and local grants to address environmental issues including water resources, timber, fish, wildlife, and agriculture within Chelan County.• The Distressed Counties Tax fund accounts for funds to be used for public facilities and infrastructure which promote economic development.
General obligation bonds have been issued for general government activities and are being repaid from the Criminal Justice Sales Tax, Distressed Counties Tax, and REET funds.
The system’s long term sustainability based on rates and user population demographics and the community's ability to raise funds locally through user fees.Map 1: 2015 CDBG Economic Development Program Labor Market Areas Map 2: PY 2015 Ohio Distressed Counties* Source: Office of Policy Research and Strategic Planning *Distress is calculated by the following criteria:• Per Capita Income must be at or below 80% of U.S. per capita income.
In any case the Board of Directors has to establish a Scientific Committee and a Committee of the Revue (Cf. Article 12).
The COG may not transfer responsibility for developing the MOD to another unit of local government.Figure 1: DR-4332 49 CDBG-DR Eligible Counties and HUD’s Most Impacted and Distressed Counties and ZIP Codes Each COG allocation amount for the Regional Mitigation Program was calculated using a weighted sum allocation model that accounted for total population data, the Composite Disaster Index (CDI), the Social Vulnerability Index (SoVI), and the Per Capita Market Value (PCMV) of property in each county.
Mr. Matayoshi reported the EDC administers the .09 Distressed Counties fund, which is funded by one percent of the retail sales tax dollars collected in Lewis County.