Distributed Products definition
Examples of Distributed Products in a sentence
If an Operator has already submitted an Application for Distributed Products which are already scored under the Conditions of Use, the Distributor shall use the Classifying Logo allocated to the Distributed Products by their Rightsholder pursuant to this Application and must replace the Classifying Logo on all its labels, shelf information and communication media within a period of one (1) month from the receipt of the Application by the Regulator.
Under no circumstances shall the Distributor be authorized (i) to use the Logo solely to communicate on or promote the Distributed Products or (ii) to use the Logo for Distributed Products as long as the time period from the receipt of the prior notices has not expired.
Consequently, the right to use the Logo granted primarily by Santé Publique France as the Regulator for France is a right to affix for the Source Products and to use for the Distributed Products as a complementary presentation to the Declaration in accordance with Article 35 of the EU Regulation.
Pursuant to this license of use, the Distributors may use the Source Products as Distributed Products, with the Classifying Logos attributed by the Rightsholders.
The Operator must dispose of the stocks of Products (i) either within a maximum period of three (3) months for the Distributed Products where the Classifying Logo is not affixed, or (ii) until the respective expiry dates of the Products where the Classifying Logo is affixed.