Lesson Plans Sample Clauses
Lesson Plans. Each teacher shall develop lesson plans for the instruction of students enrolled in his/her classroom. The primary purpose of lesson plans is to assist the classroom teacher with instruction. It also provides the basis to ensure that the state/county curriculum is being presented.
Lesson Plans. The parties agree that instruction requires thoughtful preparation. The development of lesson plans by and for the teacher is a professional responsibility. However, a teacher’s planning and preparation may be different based on personal style, professional needs, student needs and experience in the classroom. Plans are to be used as a guide to fulfill the state standards and District’s instructional objectives for student achievement. Plans should include strategies and accommodations for students with disabilities, and English Language Learners, if needed. Remediation and enrichment and the type of progress monitoring should be included, if needed. As such, administrators shall not require that lesson plans be in a particular format. Administrators also shall not require the posting or storage of lesson plans in a particular place or manner. A principal or principal’s designee may request teachers to submit a copy of their lesson plans at the end of the teaching week or at the end of a particular unit. The teacher’s plans are to be used as a guide in order to fulfill the county’s instructional objectives and to assist the teacher in conducting a planned instructional program. Current lesson plans shall be available in the classroom for inspection at all times. Teachers shall not be routinely required to submit a copy of their lesson plans to the site administrator unless required by Article 6.9-2.
6.9-1 In the event a teacher is absent, it shall be the teacher’s responsibility to have lesson plans at the school prior to the start of the pupil day to cover the period of absence not to exceed the balance of the week in which the absence occurred.
6.9-2 If the principal or their designee, through documented classroom observation, determines that a teacher is having difficulty with classroom instruction or is not meeting instructional objectives, the principal shall hold a conference with the teacher having difficulty. The principal may require lesson plans to be turned in at the start of each week if the teacher is in one of the following categories:
a) Category I teacher as defined in Article 15: or
b) The teacher is on an Instructional Assistance Conference (IAC) or on a Professional Development Plan (PDP); or
c) The teacher holds an average rating of Needs Improvement or Unsatisfactory on their last overall summative evaluation; or
d) Educational Emergency as outlined in Article XXXI – Board’s Rights per Section 1012.28(8), Florida Statutes.
Lesson Plans. A. Teachers responsible for the instruction of students shall prepare lesson plans as an essential part of their teaching responsibilities. The format and organization of lesson plans are best determined by the individual teacher. Every lesson plan should include an indication of the objectives, content materials and procedure for reference. The principal or supervising administrator may suggest a particular format or organization. However, where the principal has personally substantiated need for specific organization of lessons plans, the teacher may then be required to utilize a suggested form in the preparation of lesson plans. The request for daily lesson plans should not be used as a disciplinary measure.
B. Any request to review a teacher’s plan book shall be made directly to the teacher. If problems exist the result of the review will be discussed with the teacher in a personal conference.
C. Probationary teachers may be required to follow a particular form of lesson plan for the first two years.
D. Students with disabilities may be instructed by special education and/or general education teachers. BCPSS shall identify these students, and it shall deliver a current Individualized Educational Plan (“IEP”) to the teachers to whom the students are assigned. A teacher’s lesson plans must reflect the last IEP for the student that is delivered to the teacher. This requirement may be satisfied by placement of a copy of the last IEP with the Lesson Plan Book.
E. BTU and BCPSS shall monitor application of Sec. 7.16.D.1. of this Agreement through the Joint Committee that is organized under Sec. 18.12.A.
Lesson Plans. Definitions:
Lesson Plans. Teachers are to maintain daily lesson plans in their classrooms. These lesson plans shall be maintained for one week in advance. These plans shall be located in a designated location* in the teacher's classroom. These plans are subject to the building principal's approval through periodic lesson plan inspections. It shall be the responsibility of the teacher to maintain the lesson plans. These plans may be used by a substitute teacher if a dire emergency arises. In the event, other than a dire emergency, of a teacher's absence that teacher shall submit in-depth lesson plans to the principal for the substitute teacher to insure the continuity of the class during the absence of the teacher. *The principal of each building shall maintain a list of teachers with each designated location for lesson plans on the list If, during the principal's inspection of the lesson pans, the lesson plans are found not to be maintained by the teacher, a letter of reprimand will be written at the principal's discretion and placed in the teacher's personal file.
Lesson Plans. Teachers shall at all times have completed, in advance, lesson plans for the next five (5) days of student instruction.
Lesson Plans. All Residency Candidates will follow the Xxxxxxx College Lesson Plan Template when being observed and evaluated by the Clinical Supervisor. A mentor teacher approved lesson plan may be utilized when the residency candidate is being observed and evaluated by the mentor teacher. Xxxxxx plans must be submitted at least two (2) teaching days prior to the day the lesson will be taught in order to provide time for feedback and approval from the mentor teacher. Failure to turn in lesson plans to the mentor teacher at least two days before teaching the lessons in question can jeopardize the candidate’s overall grade for the Clinical Residency Experience and can result in the candidate not being able to complete the experience.
Lesson Plans. 23.18.1 Daily, unit, and long-term lesson plans shall be required of each Teacher and such plans shall be available for review by the principal/Supervisor at any time upon his/her request. The Supervisor shall be permitted to make a copy of the lesson upon request. It is understood that lesson plans are used as a guide to the Teacher in structuring the learning experiences of pupils. The system-wide template prescribes the minimum required elements for a lesson plan. No Teacher shall be required to provide more detail than that which is required in the system-wide template.
23.18.2 Teachers shall not be required to submit daily, weekly, unit or long-range lesson plans on a regular basis. However, if the Supervisor determines as a result of the DCPS evaluation process that a Teacher has an average score of less than 2.5 in Planning domain of the Teaching and Learning Framework, then the Supervisor may require the Teacher to submit daily lesson plans for review and comment until such time that the Teacher’s planning has satisfactorily improved. In such cases, the Supervisor must suggest how the lesson plans can be improved.
23.18.3 Lesson plans do not determine a Teacher’s effectiveness; therefore, they shall not be used in isolation to determine a Teacher’s effectiveness.
23.18.4 DCPS shall develop the lesson plan template in collaboration with the WTU. ARTICLE 24 -
Lesson Plans. A. Daily required lesson plans shall be prepared by each member and kept in the classroom. Such plans shall be available upon request by the appropriate administrator.
B. A joint committee shall meet as necessary and recommend to the Superintendent procedures for lesson plans.
Lesson Plans. A teacher shall have available clearly-written weekly lesson plans on the first school day of each week. The plans shall be based on the approved course of study and the standards made applicable to the District.