District Court judge definition
Examples of District Court judge in a sentence
The arbitrator shall have the same power to compel the attendance of witnesses and to order the production of documents or other materials and to enforce discovery as could be exercised by a United States District Court judge sitting in the Northern District of New York.
The arbitrator shall have the same power to compel the attendance of witnesses and to order the production of documents or other materials and to enforce discovery as could be exercised by a United States District Court judge sitting in Chenango County, New York.
The arbitrator shall have the same power to compel the attendance of witnesses and to order the production of documents or other materials and to enforce discovery as could be exercised by a United States District Court judge sitting in the District of Colorado.
This Proof of Claim shall not be deemed a consent by Claimant to have any matter relating to any disputed claims or issues heard by the Bankruptcy Court, and the submission of this Proof of Claim does not waive any of Claimant’s rights to have final orders in non-core matters entered only after de novo review by a United States District Court judge or to petition the United States District Court to withdraw any reference in any matter subject to mandatory or discretionary withdrawal.
Where an action or matter is commenced in the Court sitting at a place that should have been commenced in the Court sitting at another place, the Court or a District Court judge may order its removal to be tried or heard by the Court sitting at that other place, or may so order that the action or matter be tried or heard in the Court sitting at the place in which it has been commenced.72.
Judge may change venueWhere a District Court judge is satisfied that an action which is listed to be heard in the Court sitting at a place can be more conveniently or fairly tried in the Court sitting at another place, he may order, on such terms and conditions as he thinks fit, the action to be sent for trial to the Court sitting at that other place.[73.
If a District Court judge is not available in the division in which a complaint requesting a temporary order is to be filed, the complaint may be presented to any other District Court judge or to any Superior Court justice who has the same authority as a District Court judge to grant or deny the temporary order.
Similarly, in 1990, a U.S. District Court judge, applying Connecticut law, denied a motion to dismiss a common-law apportionment complaint in the context of an underlying professional (medical) negligence claim for conduct predating enactment of the apportionment statute.
Through measures such as conferences with employee representatives,employee communication and consultation systems, visits to the grass roots operation units and directdiscussions with employees, the managementobtained views and suggestions from employees.Meanwhile, they have sought to promote and explain to employees the important policies and measures regarding the Company’s strategic transformation, reform and development.
Subject to the approval of the Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals, the Chief Judge of the District Court shall designate a District Court judge in each district as the administrative judge for that district.