Examples of District Project Management Unit in a sentence
The project would maintain the books of accounts on Cash basis following the double entry principle of accounting at Regional Project Management Unit (RPMU), District Project Management Unit (DPMU) and Project Facilitation Team (PFT).
The procurement of goods, works and services will be handled by a variety of functionaries—the Regional Project Management Unit, District Project Management Unit, Project Facilitating Team and Community Institutions.
A training workshop was organised in Dhari block of district Nainital by District Project Management Unit, Bhimtal, and conducted by Knowledge Links as part of IDM 2007 project number 245, ‘Institutionalisingcommunity-led action for sanitary surveillance (CLASS) through development and launch of a reward scheme’, with the support of the World Bank.
PURPOSE OF ASSIGNMENTProvide technical support to District Project Management Unit (DPMU) in the implementation of ‘improve piped water supply and sanitation services for rural communities through decentralized delivery systems’3.
Represent the cost of services and sales incurred during the period which include the costs of goods sold, inventory obsolescence, direct labor, governmental charges, interconnection costs and other overheads related to the revenues recognized.
If Genesis is requested by TBU to develop advertisements and videos, the fees and scope associated with such development will be mutually agreed upon.
Procurement of Services: The State Project Management Unit (SPMU) and District Project Management Unit (DPMU) may procure the services of consultants and consultancies required under the project.
The 100% payment for that monthly period will be made after the approval by District Project Management Unit (DPMU) online and offline report and hard copy of report should be submitted to SPMU with an invoice.
The Employer shall provide bulletin board space for the use of the Union at each Employer work location upon which the Union may post notices relating to matters of interest to the employees, provided that such notices shall not in any way promote or publicize the consumption of alcohol.
District Project Management Unit (District Level): The DPMU for JOHAR will be established in each of the 17 districts within the existing DPMU of JSLPS.