Divided highway definition

Divided highway means a highway divided into two or more roadways by:
Divided highway means a highway with separated roadways for traffic in opposite directions.
Divided highway means a highway divided into two or more roadways by: 974 (a) an unpaved intervening space;

Examples of Divided highway in a sentence

  • Divided highway: A highway with separated roadways for traffic, generally in opposite directions.AN.

  • Table 1.2. FDOT Peak Hour Directional Volumes and Capacity Values on Various Roadways (FDOT, 2013) Urbanized Areas FreewaysNon-Urbanized Areas Freeways* Divided highway The capacity values of Table 1.2 are a function of the number of lanes, rather than the FFS.

  • Divided highway ends: traffic travels in both directions on the same road ahead.

  • Divided highway, guard rails, bridge design, bridge supports, and removal of light poles, signs and trees next to the road.

  • Number of SRI Project Sites Evaluated MRIGlobal-NSSI\110749-1 Final Report a Before-study period, 2002-2004 (3 years).b After-study period, 2007-2009 (3 years).c Divided highway traffic volumes are for one direction of travel only.d Undivided highway traffic volumes are for both directions of travel combined.

More Definitions of Divided highway

Divided highway means a highway with 2 or more roadways separated by spaces not intended for the use of vehicular traffic.
Divided highway means that part of a primary highway which has been constructed as divided, dual lane fully controlled access to the throughways except for the established interchanges.
Divided highway means a highway divided into two or more roadways by leaving an intervening space or by a physical barrier or by a clearly indicated dividing section so constructed as to impede vehicular traffic.
Divided highway means a highway with separated roadways for traffic in opposite directions, such separation being indicated by depressed dividing strips, raised curbing, traffic islands, or other physical barriers so constructed as to prevent or discourage crossover vehicular traffic or otherwise indicated by standard pavement markings or other official traffic control devices as prescribed in the Ohio Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices.
Divided highway means a highway with separated roadways usually for traffic moving in opposite directions, such separation being indicated by depressed dividing strips, raised curbings, traffic islands, or other physical barriers so constructed as to impede vehicular traffic or otherwise indicated by standard pavement markings or other official traffic control devices as prescribed in the state traffic control manual. [§ 42-1-102(25), C.R.S.]
Divided highway means a highway with separated traveled ways for traffic in opposite directions, such separation being indicated by depressed dividing strips, raised curbing, traffic islands, or other physical barriers so constructed as to discourage crossover vehicular traffic.
Divided highway means any highway divided into two or more roadways by an intervening space, physical barrier, or clearly indicated dividing section so constructed as to impede vehicular traffic.