Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery definition

Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery or “DBHR” means the DSHS- designated state mental health authority to administer the state and Medicaid funded mental health programs authorized by RCW chapters 71.05, 71.24, and 71.34.
Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery or “DBHR” means the Health Care Authority’s Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery, and its employees and authorized agents.
Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery or "DBHR" means the division within the de- partment of social and health services (formerly the mental health division and the division of alcohol and substance abuse) that administers mental health, problem gambling and substance use disorder programs authorized by chapters 43.20A, 71.05, 71.24, and 71.34 RCW.

Examples of Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery in a sentence

  • Dr. Jei Africa, BHRS DirectorMarin County Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery Services 20 North San Pedro Road, Suite 2021San Rafael, CA 94903 The Notice of Intent to Appeal must include a full and complete written statement specifying the grounds for the appeal.

  • The employee will be relieved from duty and placed on sick leave, vacation leave, or leave without pay pending completion of any initial chemical dependency assessment and successful completion of any in-patient chemical dependency rehabilitation program certified by the Department of Social and Health Services, Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery (DBHR).

  • The employee will be relieved from duty and placed on sick leave, vacation leave, or leave without pay pending completion of any initial chemical dependency assessment and successful completion of any in- patient chemical dependency rehabilitation program certified by the Department of Social and Health Services, Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery (DBHR).

  • I obtained a Master of Business Administration degree10 from Ohio Dominican University in 2008.

  • The Health Care Authority (HCA) division receiving information will be referred to as DBHR which stands for Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery.

More Definitions of Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery

Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery or “DBHR” means the DSHS, BHA, Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery, and its employees and authorized agents.
Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery or “DBHR” means the HCA behavioral health division. Emergency Medical Condition
Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery. (“DBHR”) means the DSHS- designated single state agency for mental health and substance use disorder treatment, authorized by RCW chapters 71.05, 71.24,71.34, 70.96a and 70.96b.
Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery or “DBHR” means the state mental health authority to administer the state and Medicaid funded mental health programs authorized by RCW chapters 71.05, 71.24, and 71.34.
Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery or “DBHR” means the division within the Health Care Authority, the Medicaid authority for the State, whose staff are behavioral health subject matter experts. . DBHR was previously part of the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) Behavioral Health Administration (BHA) and transitioned to HCA on July 1, 2018.
Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery or “DBHR” means the Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery, and its employees and authorized agents. Beginning on July 1, 2018, DBHR became part of the Washington State Health Care Authority (HCA).
Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery or “DBHR” means the Division of the Health Care Authoritythat is designated to serve as the state mental health authority to administer the state-funded and Medicaid-funded mental health programs authorized by RCW chapters 71.05,