Alcohol and Substance Abuse. 1. All bargaining unit members are subject to random drug and alcohol testing.
2. Any bargaining unit member who is proved to have distributed, dispensed or sold an illegal controlled substance or alcohol while on duty at school, or while serving in a contractual duty beyond the school day will be subject to termination of employment.
3. Any bargaining unit member who is proved to have consumed alcohol or any illegal controlled substance on school property or at a school sponsored event while serving in a contractual role beyond the school day shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination according to Article 13, Discipline and Discharge.
4. Any bargaining unit member whose has proved to be under the influence of alcohol or any illegal substance on school property or at a school sponsored event while serving in a contractual role beyond the school day shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination according to Article 13, Discipline and Discharge.
5. In the event of a violation, in addition to disciplinary action being taken, the bargaining unit member will be required to undergo an evaluation by a trained drug/alcohol evaluator in the Employee Assistance Program, and upon the recommendation of the trained drug/alcohol evaluator, and with the approval of the Business Manager/Director of Human Resources, will be required to successfully complete a substance assistance or rehabilitation program. If insurance is unavailable for any reason, all expenses involved with said program shall be paid by the Board. Failure to participate in such program may result in termination of employment.
6. If alcohol is detected on a bargaining unit member who is performing contractual duties the bargaining unit member will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment according to Article 13,
Alcohol and Substance Abuse. Section 1. The dangers and costs which alcohol and other chemical abuses can create in the painting and decorating industry in terms of safety and productivity are significant. The parties to this Agreement resolve to combat chemical abuse in any form and agree that to be effective, programs to eliminate substance impairment should contain a strong rehabilitation component. The Employer and Union have negotiated the following items of drug and alcohol policy subject to all applicable laws and regulations, procedural safeguards, scientific principles, and legitimate interests of privacy and confidentiality. When drug and alcohol testing is performed, all testing shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures outlined below.
(a) For purpose of this Article, the phrase “Prohibited Substances” shall mean and include any illegal drugs, controlled substances (other than properly prescribed and utilized medications), look alike drugs, designer drugs, and alcoholic beverages. Drugs to be tested for include: - Amphetamine - Barbiturates - Cocaine - Bensodiazephines - Marijuana - Methaqualone - Opiates - Propoxyphine - Phencyclidine - Alcohol
Alcohol and Substance Abuse. 12 A. Employer is committed to maintaining a workplace that is safe, healthy, 13 productive and free of drugs and alcohol. Consequently, no employee may possess, 14 use, manufacture or distribute illegal drugs, alcohol, or legal drugs obtained, 15 distributed or used illegally in the workplace. This provision shall also apply to nurses 16 who possess, use, test positive, etc., for marijuana notwithstanding that the nurse 17 possesses a valid marijuana card by the State of Oregon.
19 B. An employee’s use of legal drugs while working can impose a significant risk to 20 the safety of the employee and others. The use of legally obtained drugs is allowed, 21 except to the extent such use impairs employee’s work performance or has the 22 potential to affect the safety of the employee, co-workers, patients and others while 23 the employee is working.
25 C. The Employer and the Association agree that post-employment drug screening 26 as set forth in the Employer's Drug and Alcohol Screening Policy shall apply to all 27 employees in the bargaining unit. This drug and alcohol screening shall be limited to 28 random, reasonable suspicion and post accident or safety incident.
Alcohol and Substance Abuse. A pattern of pathological use of alcohol or drugs that causes impairment in social or occupational functioning, or that produces physiological dependency evidenced by physical tolerance or by physical symptoms when it is withdrawn. Amateur Sports: High school, interscholastic, intercollegiate, intramural, club, or camp sports exclusive to the following list of covered sports: Aerobics, Baseball, Basketball, Cricket, Dancing, Football, Hockey, Horseback Riding, Kickball, Lacrosse, Sailing, Soccer, Softball, Squash, Swimming, Tennis, Track & Field, Ultimate Frisbee, Volleyball, Water Polo, and Wrestling. Application: The fully answered and signed enrollment form submitted by You for coverage under the Plan. The Application is hereby incorporated into and becomes part of the Master Policy of Insurance, the Plan, and the Certificate. Athletics: Sports, games, or exercises of any kind engaged in by athletes. It includes numerous types of professional, amateur, and interscholastic sports, games, or exercises including, for example, track and field, soccer, American football, baseball, basketball, softball, lacrosse, weightlifting, skiing, bowling, tennis, wrestling, and rugby. Further, it includes all activities sanctioned or sponsored by the International Olympic Committee, the National Collegiate Athletic Association or similar organization, or professional sports organizations. Bankruptcy: The filing of a petition for voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy in a court of competent jurisdiction under Chapter 7 or Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code 11 L.S.C. Subsection 101 et seq.
Alcohol and Substance Abuse. 10 A. Employer is committed to maintaining a workplace that is safe, healthy, 11 productive and free of drugs and alcohol. Consequently, no employee may 12 possess, use, manufacture or distribute illegal drugs, alcohol, or legal drugs 13 obtained, distributed or used illegally in the workplace. This provision shall also 14 apply to nurses who possess, use, test positive etc., for marijuana 15 notwithstanding that the nurse possesses a valid marijuana card by the State 16 of Oregon.
18 B. An employee’s use of legal drugs while working can impose a significant 19 risk to the safety of the employee and others. The use of legally obtained drugs 20 is allowed, except to the extent such use impairs employee’s work performance 21 or has the potential to affect the safety of the employee, co-workers, patients 22 and others while the employee is working.
24 C. The Employer and the Association agree that post-employment drug 25 screening as set forth in the Employer's Drug and Alcohol Screening Policy shall 26 apply to all employees in the bargaining unit. This drug and alcohol screening 27 shall be limited to random, reasonable suspicion and post accident or safety 28 incident. The Employer and the Association also agree that any bargaining unit 29 employees using medical marijuana shall inform the Area Vice President prior to 30 such use so that Employer can meet its obligations to maintain a safe workplace 31 as well as any obligations under Oregon’s disability law.
Alcohol and Substance Abuse. 10 A. Employer is committed to maintaining a workplace that is safe, healthy, 11 productive and free of drugs and alcohol. Consequently, no employee may 12 possess, use, manufacture or distribute illegal drugs, alcohol, or legal drugs that 13 are obtained, distributed or used illegally in the workplace, including marijuana, 14 whether or not it is otherwise lawful under state law.
16 B. An employee’s use of legal drugs while working can impose a significant risk to 17 the safety of the employee and others. The use of legally obtained drugs is 18 allowed, except to the extent such use impairs employee’s work performance or 19 has the potential to affect the safety of the employee, co-workers, patients, and 20 others while the employee is working. This provision shall also apply to nurses 21 who possess, use, test positive for or are impaired by marijuana while they are 22 working, whether medical or recreational. Instances where the nurse’s exposure 23 to marijuana was an unavoidable byproduct of a patient visit or other work 24 requirement should be reported immediately by the nurse to his/her supervisor.
Alcohol and Substance Abuse. 18.1 Both the Employer and the Union are committed to the health and wellbeing of all Employees who work at the Home, and as such seek to establish, promote and preserve a work force free from the debilitating effects of alcohol, drug and substance abuse.
18.2 Employees who work while under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other controlled substances present a clear and present hazard to themselves, their co-workers and the residents they are entrusted to serve.
18.3 Employees with an alcohol, drug or substance abuse problem are encouraged to contact his or her supervisor, the Employer’s personnel department, or a Union representative for assistance. The Employer and Union will, at the Employee’s request, refer him or her to an appropriate agency or clinic for professional assistance. All communications will be held in confidence. Employees who voluntarily acknowledge an alcohol, drug or substance abuse problem and seek professional assistance will not be subject to discipline. However, an Employee who possesses, uses, sells, or distributes alcohol, drugs or any controlled substance while on the Home’s premises or refuses to submit to blood, urine or to other diagnostic tests, shall be subject to discipline under Section 3, including immediate discharge.
18.4 Discipline to be imposed for the violations of the alcohol and drug abuse policy shall be governed by the provisions set forth below.
(a) The possession, use, sale, or distribution of alcohol, drugs or any controlled substance by anyone while on the premises of the Home shall be cause for immediate dismissal. All illegal substances will be confiscated and the appropriate law enforcement agencies will be notified.
(b) An Employee shall be required to submit to blood, urine, or to other diagnostic tests to detect alcohol and/or drugs in his or her system under the following circumstances (1) prior to completion of probation, (2) whenever the Employee’s observed behavior raises a reasonable suspicion in the mind of the Employer of drug or alcohol use, (3) post-accident/injury when warranted in the judgment of the physician. The Employee is entitled to have a Union representative present during the initial collecting of the specimen. An Employee actively at work who is found to have a detectable concentration of alcohol or any non-prescription drug in his or her system shall receive a seven-day work suspension on the first offense and shall be required to participate in an appropriate rehabilitation pro...
Alcohol and Substance Abuse. 19 A. Employer is committed to maintaining a workplace that is safe, healthy, 20 productive and free of drugs and alcohol. Consequently, no employee may possess, 21 use, manufacture or distribute illegal drugs, alcohol, or legal drugs obtained, 22 distributed or used illegally in the workplace, including . This provision shall also 23 apply to nurses who possess, use, test positive, etc., for marijuana, whether or not it 24 is otherwise lawful under state law.
26 B. An employee’s use of legal drugs while working can impose a significant risk to 27 the safety of the employee and others. The use of legally obtained drugs is allowed, 28 except to the extent such use impairs employee’s work performance or has the 29 potential to affect the safety of the employee, co-workers, patients and others while 30 the employee is working. This provision shall also apply to nurses who posess, use, 31 test positive for or are impaired by marijuana while they are working, whether medical 32 or recreational. Instances where the nurse’s exposure to marijuana was an 33 unavoidable byproduct of a patient visit or other work requirement should be reported 34 immediately by the nurse to his/her supervisor.
2 C. The Employer and the Association agree that post-employment drug screening 3 as set forth in the Employer's Drug and Alcohol Screening Policy shall apply to all 4 employees in the bargaining unit. This drug and alcohol screening shall be limited to 5 random, reasonable suspicion and post-accident or safety incident.
Alcohol and Substance Abuse. 21.1 The parties acknowledge that there is a separate Employer policy that addresses drug and alcohol testing, in accordance with 49 CFR Part 40 and 49 CFR Part 655, and drug and alcohol abuse. Any employees violating that policy may be subject to discipline. Employee discipline arising from this Article is subject to the Agreement’s grievance procedure.
Alcohol and Substance Abuse. 27 A. Employer is committed to maintaining a workplace that is safe, healthy, 28 productive and free of drugs and alcohol. Consequently, no employee may possess, 29 use, manufacture or distribute illegal drugs, alcohol, or legal drugs obtained, 30 distributed or used illegally in the workplace. This provision shall also apply to nurses 31 who possess, use, test positive, etc., for marijuana notwithstanding that the nurse 1 possesses a valid marijuana card by the State of Oregon, whether or not it is lawful 2 under state law..
4 B. An employee’s use of legal drugs while working can impose a significant risk to 5 the safety of the employee and others. The use of legally obtained drugs is allowed,