Examples of Division of Juvenile Services in a sentence
The statute directs DHHR and the Division of Juvenile Services to establish “[c]ommunity-based programs and services to work with parents and other family members to maintain and strengthen the family unit so that the juvenile may be retained in his or her home.” W.Va. Code § 49-5B-4(a)(2).
Children with significant mental health conditions are often unable to meet the demands imposed by the terms of the court during the improvement period and are sent out-of-home, to either segregated residential treatment facilities or to Division of Juvenile Services facilities.
In the event a Federal or State court or Federal or State administrative agency makes a finding of discrimination after a due process hearing on the grounds of race, color, religion, national origin, or sex against a recipient of funds, the recipient will forward a copy of the finding to the Office for Civil Rights, Office of Justice Programs and the North Dakota Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, Division of Juvenile Services (DJS).
A point in time case count was requested from the Division of Juvenile Services that reflects the number of youth under the care of the state child protection system who were transferred into the custody of the state juvenile justice system.
Division of Juvenile ServicesWhen a juvenile in North Dakota is involved in a crime, he or she may be referred to the Restorative Justice program, which began in the late 1990s.74 As described on the website of Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota, which carries out the restorative justice programming for the Division of Juvenile Services, “Restorative Justice is a philosophy that focuses on the harm caused by crime, rather than just the legal violation of laws and rules.
The report included the entire foster care universe, including tribal title IV-E cases and those served by the Division of Juvenile Services (DJS), and broke out the data over the course of three calendar years (2012, 2013 & 2014).
Staff who report directly to the Director of the Division of Juvenile Services, Adult Services, Administration or Human Resources may have their grievances reviewed by an individual designated by the DOCR Director.
Part of the scope of work in the CSG grant is to conduct data analysis regarding juvenile court data and case data from the Division of Juvenile Services.
CFS conducted a survey in February 2019 of county foster care workers, county in-home services workers, and Division of Juvenile Services foster care workers regarding the use of needs assessment tools.
The annual rate computation will be completed by the Division of Juvenile Services at the end of each state fiscal year.