DOLLAR COST AVERAGING. A program that permits the Certificate Holder to systematically transfer amounts from any of the Funds and the one-year AG Account Guaranteed Term to any of the Funds. Dollar Cost Averaging is not available with the Systematic Withdrawal Option or the Estate Conservation Option.
DOLLAR COST AVERAGING. A program that permits the Certificate Holder to systematically transfer amounts from any of the Funds and the one-year AG Account Guaranteed Term to any of the Funds by completing the appropriate section of the enrollment form or a Dollar Cost Averaging election form.
DOLLAR COST AVERAGING. A program that permits the Certificate Holder to systematically transfer amounts from any of the Funds and the one-year guaranteed term of the AG Account to any of the Funds. Dollar Cost Averaging is not available if the Systematic Withdrawal Option is in effect.

Examples of DOLLAR COST AVERAGING in a sentence

  • DOLLAR COST AVERAGING FIXED ACCOUNT OPTION We may offer a Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) Fixed Account Option separate from the Guaranteed Period Options.

  • DOLLAR COST AVERAGING (DCA) -- An option that allows the automatic transfer of a portion of the Contract Value in periodic installments from a designated DCA holding account to one or more of the Variable Subaccounts available under the Contract.

  • DOLLAR COST AVERAGING (DCA) FIXED ACCOUNT OPTION(S) Any portion of a Purchase Payment allocated to the DCA Fixed Account Option(s) must be transferred out to the Variable Portfolio(s) within the specified DCA Fixed Account Option period.

  • DOLLAR COST AVERAGING (DCA) -- An option that allows the automatic transfer of a portion of the Contract Value in periodic installments from a designated DCA holding account to one or more of the Variable Subaccounts and any Fixed Account available under the Contract.

  • DOLLAR COST AVERAGING (DCA) You may authorize the automatic transfer of amounts, at the interval selected by You, from the 1-Year DCA Fixed Account Option to any Subaccount(s).


DOLLAR COST AVERAGING. PROGRAM To facilitate a dollar cost averaging program, a source account and target account(s) must be identified. Subject to Company disclosed restrictions, a source account can be [any available 1-year fixed account, available fixed accounts designed to facilitate Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA Fixed Account) or a Variable Portfolio.] The target account must be a Variable Portfolio. Any portion of a Purchase Payment allocated to any available DCA Fixed Account Options must be transferred out to the Variable Portfolio(s) within the specified DCA Fixed Account period. Upon termination of a DCA program using the DCA Fixed Account as a source account, any amounts remaining in the DCA Fixed Account will be transferred to the target allocation(s) for the program being terminated. If money remains in a DCA Fixed Account at the time of annuitization, that amount will be applied towards a Fixed Annuitization. The unit values credited and applied to your Contract are FS-975 (7/04) 7 determined on the date of transfer. We reserve the right to impose a minimum or maximum contribution level on Purchase Payments allocated to a DCA Fixed Account and/or change the terms and conditions of the DCA program at any time. SUBSTITUTION OF VARIABLE PORTFOLIO If the shares of an Underlying Fund should no longer be available for investment by the Separate Account, then We may substitute shares of another Underlying Fund, for shares already purchased, or to be purchased in the future. Substitutions of securities will be carried out in accordance with any applicable state and/or federal laws or regulations. ACCUMULATION PROVISIONS Prior to the Annuity Date, the Contract Value is the sum of the Separate Account Accumulation Value and the Fixed Account Accumulation Value, if any. SEPARATE ACCOUNT ACCUMULATION VALUE The Separate Account Accumulation Value under the Contract shall be the sum of the values of the Accumulation Units held in the Variable Portfolios for the Owner. NUMBER OF ACCUMULATION UNITS Your Contract is credited with Accumulation Units of the Separate Account when amounts are allocated to the Variable Portfolio(s). For that portion of each Purchase Payment and/or transfer amount allocated to a Variable Portfolio, the number of Accumulation Units credited is equal to the sum of each Purchase Payment and/or transfer amount allocated to the Variable Portfolio reduced by premium taxes, if any: Divided by The Accumulation Unit value for that Variable Portfolio for the NYSE bus...
DOLLAR COST AVERAGING. A program that permits the Certificate Holder to systematically transfer amounts from any of the Funds or an available AG Account Guaranteed Term to any of the Funds. Aetna reserves the right to establish terms and conditions governing Dollar Cost Averaging. Dollar Cost Averaging is not available when an SDO is in effect.
DOLLAR COST AVERAGING. (DCA) PROGRAM: A DCA Program permits you to allocate all or part of an Invested Purchase Payment to the DCA Option and automatically transfer amounts on a periodic basis from the DCA Option to selected Allocation Options for a given period of time.
DOLLAR COST AVERAGING. You may transfer all or part of your interest in the money market subaccount in Variable Account A to one or more of the other Variable Account A subaccounts, pursuant to a Dollar Cost Averaging Plan. To participate in such a Plan, you must transfer a minimum of $1000 per month for 12 to 36 months. When participation begins your Contract's interest in the money market subaccount in Variable Account A must be at least equal to the amount you wish to transfer each month times the number of months elected. Allocations to a subaccount must be in 10% increments of each amount transferred. Transfers will take place each month on the same date of each month as the date on which your Contract was issued. For example, if your Contract was issued on the 15th day of the month, transfers will take place on the 15th day of each month for which transfers are to be made. There is no charge for Dollar Cost Averaging transfers. Dollar Cost Averaging transfers are in addition to those permitted in Section 5.2.
DOLLAR COST AVERAGING. (DCA) INTEREST SEGMENT: A DCA Interest Segment is a portion of the DCA Option that is created whenever you allocate all or part of an Invested Purchase Payment to the DCA Option.
DOLLAR COST AVERAGING. (DCA) FIXED RATE INVESTMENT OPTION: A portion of the General Account into which you may allocate all or part of the Initial Purchase Payment. It does not share in the investment experience of any Subaccount of the Variable Separate Account.
DOLLAR COST AVERAGING. A program that permits systematic transfer of amounts from the [Liquid Asset Division] or Fixed Allocations of the Fixed Account to one or more of the Variable Separate Account Divisions specified by you. Experience Factor - The factor which reflects the investment experience of the portfolio in which a Variable Separate Account Division invests and also reflects the charges assessed against the Division for a Valuation Period. RLNY-IA-1080 4 Important Terms (continued) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed Account - This is the Separate Account established to support Fixed Allocations.