Examples of Domestic Law in a sentence
Stigall, International Law and Limitations on the Exercise of Extraterritorial Jurisdiction in U.S. Domestic Law, 35 HASTINGS INT’L & COMP.
No. CDL-AD (2014) 046; Report on the Implementation of International Human Rights Treaties in Domestic Law and the Role of the Courts, Doc.
The Hear- ing Committee may supplement the annual dividend from such reserves to maintain the declared dividend in an amount consistent with previous year levels when such action is deemed appropriate considering current investment returns and current economic condi- tions.
A three and one-half percent (3.5%) salary increase will be granted to any Deputy District Attorney/Child Support Attorney who completes certification through the California Bar as a Criminal Law Specialist or Domestic Law Specialist.
Res., Working Paper No. 20014, 2014), available at https://www.nber.org/ papers/w20014.pdf [https://perma.cc/ZX7Z-VNWZ]; Lise Johnson et al., Investor-State Dispute Settlement, Public Interest and U.S. Domestic Law 1, 10 (Colum.