Drugs Sample Clauses
Drugs. Possession or use of drugs by the Student, any person present in the residence with the Student, or any person present in the Student’s residence with the permission of the Student during the Student’s absence, are strictly prohibited in any UCF DHRL facility. Prohibited drugs include, but are not limited to:
A. any substance, the possession or use of which, regardless of amount, could be found to violate Federal or Florida drug abuse prevention and control laws;
B. any prescription medication for which the possessor/user does not have a presently valid medical prescription.
Drugs. (a) A worker who returns a negative test will be allowed to return to work. A worker who returns a non-negative test result from their initial test (equal to or above the relevant cut-off levels of the substances referred to in AS 4760) will be deemed not fit for work and will not be allowed to return to work. (Benzodiazepine level to be provided by the prescribed testing laboratory);
(b) Drug testing will be administered by the collection and analysis of an oral fluids specimen (saliva). Before conducting a drug test, the process used by the independent Authorised Testing Agent must be explained to the Worker providing the saliva sample;
(c) Collecting and testing of saliva specimens shall be carried out by an Authorised Testing Agent, agreed upon by the PC/Employer and the Union, and confirmatory testing is to be carried out by a NATA accredited laboratory;
(d) A Confirmatory Test will be required where a Non Negative Result Initial Test is recorded at the initial test. The handling of specimens taken for confirmatory testing is detailed in the process used by the Authorised Testing Agent and must be completed to Australian Standards;
(e) Any worker attending the workplace under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be prohibited from entry. A worker returning to the workplace following their exclusion for a Positive Result Confirmatory test will be required to submit to a drug and alcohol test prior to commencing work and receive a Negative Result Initial Test for Drugs or Alcohol prior to commencing work.
Drugs. Within the framework of their respective powers and competencies the Parties shall cooperate in increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of policies and measures to counter the illicit production, supply and traffic of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, including the prevention of diversion of precursor chemicals, as well as in promoting drug demand prevention and reduction. The cooperation in this area shall be based on mutual consultation and close coordination between the Parties over the objectives and measures on the various drug-related fields.
Drugs. We have a zero tolerance of illicit drug use in the Room, Building or Common Property. If You:
(a) are found in possession of illicit drugs or implements associated with their use in the Room, Building or Common Property; or
(b) distribute, sell or manufacture illicit drugs or other substances from the Room, Building or Common Property, We will immediately terminate this agreement and inform the relevant UNSW and legal authorities.
Drugs. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of an illegal drug or controlled substance by an employee in the work place or during work hours is prohibited. Employees in violation of this policy will be terminated with no Last Chance Agreement.
Drugs. Coverage will include drugs, oral contraceptives, and medicines dispensed by a doctor or pharmacist and, except for insulin, only available on the prescription of a doctor, to the extent that they are generally recognized as being effective in the sickness or injury being treated and are not excessive or unwarranted as judged by the generally accepted therapy for the sickness or injury. For the purposes of prescription drugs, generic drugs are to be dispensed if available, unless stipulated otherwise by the physician. There will be no benefits for proprietary or patent medicines.
Drugs. Possession, use, manufacturing, and/or sale of illegal drugs or controlled substances, under either federal or state law, are prohibited and are grounds for Contract termination. Requests for the use of medical marijuana are directed to Disability Services prior to use.
Drugs. The regulations governing drugs in the residence community are in accordance with State and Federal laws.
Drugs. The possession, use, trafficking (which includes manufacture, sale, giving, administering, transporting, sending, delivery, distributing) or offering to do anything related to the possession, use or trafficking of illegal drugs is prohibited. Any involvement, whether direct or indirect, in any illegal drug or drug-related activity is prohibited. For greater certainty, being present where others are consuming illegal drugs or engaging in illegal drug related activity is not permitted—if others are engaging in this activity you must leave. Possession of paraphernalia that is associated with the possession, use or trafficking of illegal drugs is prohibited. These activities may result in eviction and referral to the police. For greater certainty: • Students who have a prescription from a medical doctor for the use of a cannabis product (as defined below) must obtain permission from Student Housing and Community Services if they wish to smoke, vaporize or consume a cannabis product through means of inhalation on residence property. Please meet with your Residence Life Manager for information about the process for obtaining such permission. • The possession or use of prescription drugs without a valid prescription or trafficking in prescription drugs is considered an illegal drug activity for the purposes of this Contract, regardless of the amounts involved, and regardless of whether or not money or any other form of consideration are exchanged. Without limitation, both selling and sharing (giving away) methylphenidate (commonly sold under the name Ritalin) are prohibited.
Drugs. The possession of any prohibited drug is a criminal offence. This law applies to all areas of College buildings or grounds. The possession and/or use of any prohibited drug by any Student or member of staff is not permitted on College premises and could result in the instigation of the formal disciplinary procedure as detailed in these Regulations and legal action by the police.