Examples of Dry scraping in a sentence
Dry scraping has been replaced by wet scraping for work on lead−based paint surfaces.
Depending on type and amount of HUD assistance, lead hazards are treated using "interim controls" or "ongoing lead-based paint maintenance"EPA generally requires that renovations in target housing be performed using lead safe work practicesProhibited Work PracticesHUD prohibits 6 work practices:• EPA's 3 prohibited work practices plus• Heat guns that char paint• Dry scraping or sanding farther than 1 ft.
Dry scraping, sanding, and blasting of lead-based paint can mobilize large amounts of lead in a short time and significantly increase lead concentrations in soil.
When the planned work changes enough, it falls out of the fixed contract into “extra work”-category, which means more costs for the shipyard.
Dry scraping of walls had to be done by hand over floors and furniture covered by double layers of plastic.160However, by 1993, perhaps sensing either that they had gone too far, or that the threat had diminished, the Massachusetts legislature relaxed the law, and Commonwealth regulatory liberalization followed soon after.
Dry scraping and sanding and the use of torches to soften paint for scraping were associated with the largest increases in blood lead levels.
Depending on type and amount of HUD assistance, lead hazards are treated using "interim controls" or "ongoing lead-based paint maintenance"EPA generally requires that renovations in target housing be performed using lead safe work practicesProhibited WorkHUD prohibits 6 work practices:EPA prohibits 3 work practices:Practices• EPA's 3 prohibited work practices plus• Heat guns that char paint• Dry scraping or sanding farther than 1 ft.
This leads to the homogeneous model momentum equation: ∇·∂< ρ > + < ρ >< →u >= 0.
Dry scraping is not recommended because of the large volume of particulate matter that is generated (including high levels of leaded-dust).The two situations where dry scraping is appropriate are scraping surfaces near electrical outlets, which cannot be wet scraped because of the obvious electrocution hazard, and scraping when using a heat gun as this cannot be done wet.
Dry scraping of lead-based paint is allowed only when working with heat guns.