Examples of During an attack in a sentence
NOTE: During an attack attempt to keep detainees from escaping but if the escort is engaged, force protection takes precedence over escaping detainees.
The PEFA methodology identifies the critical dimensions of performance of an open and orderly PFM system as follows: (i) credibility of the budget, (ii) comprehensiveness and transparency, (iii) policy-based budgeting, (iv) predictability and control in budget execution, (v) accounting, recording and reporting, (vi) external scrutiny and audit.
During an attack on Tal Hasel and Tal Aran (Aleppo) on 28 and 29 July, ISIS- affiliated armed groups positioned snipers in mosque minarets, exposing the building to lawful attack.
During an attack on the United States by an aggressor nation, and in an immediate postattack period, all de- cisions regarding the use of tele- communications resources will be di- rected to the objective of national sur- vival and recovery.
During an attack hit, tipping is permitted only if the ball is cleanly hit, and not caught or thrown.
During an attack on a government checkpoint in Jisr Al Shughur (Idlib) on 7 October, the FSA Al Sai’qa Brigade captured one soldier.
During an attack, and in a postattack period, the Director, OSTP, will have authority to make new or re- vised assignments of radio frequencies in accordance with authority delegated by the President.§ 214.4 Planned actions.(a) Whenever it is determined nec- essary to exercise, in whole or in part, the President’s emergency authority over telecommunications, the Director, OSTP, will exercise that authority as specified in Executive Order 12472 (49 FR 13471; 3 CFR, 1984 Comp., p.
During an attack on Gikondo Parish on the morning of 9 April 1994, the Rwandan army sealed off the Gikondo area and gendarmes moved systematically through the neighbourhood with lists, sending Tutsis to Gikondo Parish.
During an attack, depending on an attacker’s preferences, a particular protection device is selected (e.g. no preferences, preferences for larger assets, etc.).
During an attack, when the pointer is de-referenced after being overwritten, it will not jump to where it was intended, since the value it was overwritten with will be decrypted.