Examples of During an attack in a sentence
NOTE: During an attack attempt to keep detainees from escaping but if the escort is engaged, force protection takes precedence over escaping detainees.
During an attack, if the anycast system begins at the baseline configuration (q), if AMS is overloaded, the operator could select a TE configura- tion higher in the table (perhaps ‘e’, ‘g’, or ‘j’).
During an attack, Shanice wants to phone her mum to tell her what’s happening.
During an attack, if needed the red units wait for reinforcements.
During an attack on a city, momentum is everything; if someone or something cannot keep up it gets left behind.
During an attack: Detect, block, and defend against attacks that have already penetrated the network and are in progress with existing and next generation intrusion prevention web security systems.
During an attack, if packet rates exceed 100Kpps the drop rate increases to 0.6%.
Sample case study 2: During an attack on the village a woman’s husband left the tukul to defend the cattle.
During an attack we can just set one key byte or one S-box entry in each round to an arbitrary value without loss of generality.One aspect of FROG that complicates the analysis is the key-dependent nature of the internal structure: the quality of internal diffusion depends heavily on the (key-dependent) choice of the “bomb” permutations πq.
During an attack on the gendarmerie of Saint-Florent, in early 1995, militants were only armed with an old Second World War Sten machine gun.