Dwelling, seasonal definition
Dwelling, seasonal means a dwelling unit not used as a principal residence that may be occupied weekends and for brief periods during the year.
Dwelling, seasonal means a single detached dwelling used for recreational purposes that is not used for continuous habitation as a permanent residence. (B/L 24-96)
Dwelling, seasonal means a detached dwelling constructed and used for seasonal vacations and recreational purposes that is not used for continuous habitation or as a permanent residence.
More Definitions of Dwelling, seasonal
Dwelling, seasonal means a detached building constructed and used as a secondary place of residence for seasonal vacations and recreational purposes and not as the principal residence of the owner or occupant thereof.
Dwelling, seasonal means a dwelling unit, including a manufactured dwelling, designed for and used as a temporary dwelling by one family for recreational or seasonal purposes only, not to exceed a period of 60 consecutive days out of 90 days at any one location. Temporary use permits may be issued to allow an individual to stay for more than 60 days but less than six months.
Dwelling, seasonal means a one family dwelling used occasionally for recreation, rest or relaxation, but not occupied continuously nor used as a year round permanent dwelling.
Dwelling, seasonal means a *single-detached dwelling* used occasionally for recreation, rest or relaxation, but not occupied continuously nor used as a year round permanent dwelling. *(By-law 93-03)**3.27 "Dwelling Unit" shall mean a private suite of two or more rooms designed or intended for occupation by one or more persons, in which sanitary conveniences are provided, and in which facilities are provided for cooking or the installation of cooking equipment, and in which a heating system is provided, and containing a private entrance from outside the building or from a common hallway or stairway inside.*
Dwelling, seasonal means a dwelling unit not used as a principal residence thatmay be occupied weekends and for brief periods during the year.
Dwelling, seasonal means a detached dwelling intended for use primarily for recreation purposes on part time or seasonal basis.
Dwelling, seasonal means a single detached dwelling used essentially for recreation, rest or relaxation from time to time, throughout any season of the year, by any person or persons but not used or intended to be used continuously in excess of five months or as a permanent residence.