Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures 1. The rights and obligations of the Parties in respect of sanitary and phytosanitary measures shall be governed by the WTO Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures. 2. The Parties shall exchange names and addresses of contact points with sanitary and phytosanitary expertise in order to facilitate communication and the exchange of information.
Sanitary Sewer Provide a standard bubble map, as part of the plans, showing locations of numbered points, and a table with point number, northing and easting coordinates, description, and BL station for each point, for the following: ▪ all possible control as established or attained during preliminary survey, including but not limited to – section corners, property irons, intersection center-center irons, other set monuments ▪ benchmarks, including TBM set with preliminary survey ▪ center of manholes ▪ end of manhole stubs (when longer than five feet)
Sanitary Facilities Construction (a) Closets shall be soundly constructed and roofed with weatherproof material. The floor of each closet shall be well drained and constructed of concrete, bricks and cement, or of other approved materials which shall be impervious to water. Every closet shall be well lighted by natural or artificial light and shall be ventilated. Each closet shall have a hinged door, capable of being fastened on the inside, lift seats/flaps and toilet paper. (b) If closets are of single unit construction (only to be used for the formwork process), not contained within a purpose built ablution block, privacy walls which shield the closet/s from outside view shall be installed. (Privacy walls are not required for purpose built ablution blocks eg ATCO huts). (c) Where practicable, toilets to be connected to sewerage before commencement of the job. (d) Closet/urinal location to be conveniently accessible to Employees, but not so close as to cause a nuisance to those persons. (e) Where necessary, portable water seal toilets of an approved standard are to be provided and regularly serviced. (f) Conveniently accessible closets and urinals are to be distributed every 5th floor on multi storey constructions. (g) Closets and urinals are to be washed daily with disinfectant and kept in clean, hygienic condition. (h) Adequate washing facilities, suitably drained, and wash basins/troughs are to be supplied with hot and cold running water. (i) Soap and towels are to be supplied.
Common Areas Tenant shall have the non-exclusive right to use in common with other tenants in the Project, and subject to the Rules and Regulations referred to in Article 5 of this Lease, those portions of the Project which are provided, from time to time, for use in common by Landlord, Tenant and any other tenants of the Project (such areas, together with such other portions of the Project designated by Landlord, in its discretion, including certain areas designated for the exclusive use of certain tenants, or to be shared by Landlord and certain tenants, are collectively referred to herein as the “Common Areas”). The Common Areas shall consist of the “Project Common Areas” and the “Building Common Areas.” The term “Project Common Areas,” as used in this Lease, shall mean the portion of the Project designated as such by Landlord or areas within the Project that the occupants of the Building are permitted to utilize pursuant to a recorded declaration and which areas shall be maintained in accordance with the declaration. The term “Building Common Areas,” as used in this Lease, shall mean the portions of the Common Areas located within the Building reasonably designated as such by Landlord. The manner in which the Common Areas are maintained and operated shall be at the reasonable discretion of Landlord and the use thereof shall be subject to the Rules and Regulations as Landlord may make from time to time. Landlord reserves the right to close temporarily, make alterations or additions to, or change the location of elements of the Project and the Common Areas, provided that, in connection therewith, Landlord shall perform such closures, alterations, additions or changes in a commercially reasonable manner and, in connection therewith, shall use commercially reasonable efforts to minimize any material interference with Tenant’s use of and access to the Premises.
Restrooms The restrooms, toilets, urinals, vanities and the other apparatus shall not be used for any purpose other than that for which they were constructed, and no foreign substance of any kind whatsoever shall be thrown therein. The expense of any breakage, stoppage or damage resulting from the violation of this rule shall be borne by the Tenant whom, or whose employees or invitees, shall have caused it.
Toilets Papers, dust, cobwebs, peels, cans/bottles, cigarette butts, excrement on floor, bad smells, water pools, leaking sewage, rodents, animals (dead or alive), overflowing sanitary bins. 0 = NOT APPLICABLE 1 = UNACCEPTABLE (Toilets out of order. Toilets not cleaned on daily basis.) 2 = POOR (Toilets cleaned, but still visible signs of dirt, e.g. dust, cobwebs.) 3 = GOOD (Obvious sign that toilets are cleaned daily.) 4 = EXCELLENT (Extra effort is put in to ensure cleanliness, e.g. using detergents.)
Stormwater Notwithstanding any other provisions or terms of this Agreement, Company acknowledges that certain properties within the Premises or on Authority-owned land are subject to stormwater rules and regulations. Company agrees to observe and abide by such stormwater rules and regulations as may be applicable to the Premises, and, if applicable, Company hereby expressly covenants, warrants, and represents to Authority, in connection with Company’s operations on the Premises, the following: A. Company is required to submit a Notice of Intent to use the State of Florida Multi-Sector Generic Permit for Stormwater Discharge Associated with Industrial Activity. Authority and Company both acknowledge that close cooperation is necessary to ensure compliance with any stormwater discharge permit terms and conditions, as well as to ensure safety and to minimize the cost of compliance. Company acknowledges further that it may be necessary to undertake actions to minimize the exposure of stormwater to “significant materials” (as such term may be defined by applicable stormwater rules and regulations) generated, stored, handled, or otherwise used by Company by implementing and maintaining “best management practices” (BMPs) (as such term may be defined in applicable stormwater rules and regulations). Company will establish a BMP plan for the Premises and submit a copy to Authority. B. Company will be knowledgeable of any stormwater discharge permit requirements applicable to Company and with which Company will be obligated to comply. The submittal of a Notice of Intent will be made by Company to the FDEP, and a copy will be submitted to Authority. Company is required to comply with the following requirements including, but not limited to, certification of non-stormwater discharges; collection of stormwater samples; preparation of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan or similar plans; implementation of BMPs; and maintenance and submittal of necessary records. In complying with such requirements, Company will observe applicable deadlines set by the regulatory agency that has jurisdiction over the permit. Company agrees to undertake, at its sole expense, those stormwater permit requirements for which it has received written notice from the regulatory agency and that apply to the Premises, and Company agrees that it will hold harmless and indemnify Authority for any violations or non-compliance with any such permit requirements.
Lavatories Cleaning and janitorial services to be provided in the common area lavatories of the building shall include: 1. Dusting, damp mopping of resilient floors, trash removal, sanitizing of basins, bowls and urinals as well as cleaning of mirrors and bright work. 2. Refilling of soap, towel, tissue and sanitary dispensers to be rendered as necessary. 3. High dusting to be rendered as needed.
Irrigation An irrigation reduced pressure zone (hereinafter referred to as “RPZ”) is required for any irrigation systems and must be installed by the Developer and/or eventual lot owner and tested in accordance with the Minnesota Department of Health Guidelines for Designing Backflow Prevention Assembly Installations (hereinafter referred to as “Guidelines”). The initial test results and certification shall be submitted to the City of Maple Grove Public Works Department. Subsequently, the RPZ must be tested, per the Guidelines, at least annually by a certified tester with the results reported to the City of Maple Grove Building Department and the RPZ must be rebuilt as needed in accordance with the Guidelines. Test/rebuilt reports shall be mailed or faxed to the City of Maple Grove Building Department at (000) 000-0000. The irrigation system shall be designed and the Plans shall be modified accordingly, prior to the issuance of any permits for the development of the Property, to accommodate a 1-inch water meter and a maximum flow of 50 gallons per minute.
Drainage ▪ Prevent silt bearing road surface and ditch runoff from delivering sediment to any streams or wetlands. ▪ Maintain rolling dips and drivable waterbars as needed to keep them functioning as intended. ▪ Maintain headwalls to the road shoulder level with material that will resist erosion. ▪ Maintain energy dissipaters at culvert outlets with non-erodible material or rock. ▪ Keep ditches, culverts, and other drainage structures clear of obstructions and functioning as intended. ▪ Inspect and clean culverts at least monthly, with additional inspections during storms and periods of high runoff. This shall be done even during periods of inactivity. ▪ Perform preventative maintenance work to safeguard against storm damage, such as blading to ensure correct runoff, ditch and culvert cleaning, and waterbar maintenance.