Dyed fuel definition
Examples of Dyed fuel in a sentence
Dyed fuel is generally not taxed when it is removed from the terminal rack or imported because it is to be sold without tax for use in a nontaxable manner, such as “off-highway” use.
Vendors providing fuel to the County charge a fixed markup over the OPIS average Tampa, Florida price per gallon as reported by OPIS through a daily report for Unleaded 87 and 89 Octane, and #2 Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Clear and #2 Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Dyed fuel.
Dyed fuel is generally not taxed when it is removed from the terminal rack or imported because it is to be sold without tax for use in a nontaxable manner, such as “off highway” use.
Dyed fuel can be either low sulfur or high sulfur (greater than 0.05%).
Dyed fuel sold for use as heating fuel is subject to tax at the rate of two cents per gallon and propane sold for use as heating fuel is subject to tax at the rate of one percent from January 1, 2008, through June 30, 2009.
Dyed fuel is not subject to Tribal tax.Motor Vehicle Fuel Bulk Sales: (Including but not limited to gasoline, gasohol, and E85.)1.
Dyed fuel may only be used in special mobile equipment that meets the incidentally operated criteria identified in subsection 1 and must not be used by those vehicles identified in subsection 3 or special mobile equipment not defined as farm equipment.[2] 3.