ECA definition
Examples of ECA in a sentence
Half of that amount, $78,302 (ECA Amount), can be treated as a suspended liability for completion of an ECA.
Therefore, $78,302 of the total administrative civil liability will be suspended pending completion of the ECA summarized below and described in Attachment B, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.
The Prosecution Team has determined that the Settling Respondent’s proposed ECA complies with the Enforcement and SEP Policies.1 Subtracting the Prosecution Team’s documented investigative and enforcement costs of $10,292 from the total administrative civil liability of $166,896 leaves $156,604.
The Settling Respondent must provide any additional information requested by Central Coast Water Board staff that is reasonably necessary to verify ECA expenditures.
If the ECA is not fully implemented by the ECA Completion Deadline and the Executive Officer has not granted an extension pursuant to Paragraph 18, the designated Central Coast Water Board contact will issue a “Notice of Violation.” As a consequence, the Settling Respondent will be liable to pay the entire ECA Amount to the “State Water Pollution Cleanup and Abatement Account” within 30 days of the Notice of Violation’s issuance date.