Ecological value definition
Examples of Ecological value in a sentence
An Ecological Appraisal was undertaken in 2014 which concluded the following: - Limited potential for protected species;- Ecological value of the site is low;- The site does not provide suitable habitat for reptiles with the exception of the newly created debris pile;- No Japanese knotweed found on the site;- The River Wey has the potential to support otter and water vole and provides foraging and commuting opportunities for bats.
Criteria used in selecting the area included:o Ecological value of the areao Value of the area for scientific researcho Ability of the area to support fisherieso Ability to maintain recreational use of the areaIt was determined that the area’s ecological, cultural, recreational and aesthetic importance to the people of the Virgin Islands would require increased management for the protection of the multiple resource uses.
Ecological value can be divided into water conservation forest and ecological forest tourism.Recently, there has been increasing interest on role of bamboo in soil health improvement, biomass production, and climate change mitigation.
Ecological value was not identified as a theme from the interviews or focus groups within this case study however, research on ICTs and sustainability has been growing over the last few years and clearly shows that technologies can be used to create ecological value within the destination context (Ali & Frew, 2014).
Ecological value MagnitudeVery HighHighModerateLowNegligibleVery HighVery highVery highHighModerateLowHighVery highVery highModerateLowVery lowModerateHighHighModerateLowVery lowLowModerateLowLowVery lowVery lowNegligibleLowVery lowVery lowVery lowVery lowPositiveNet gainNet gainNet gainNet gainNet gain Once the overall level of ecological effects is determined the requirement and types of mitigation can be considered.