ECS definition

ECS means Electronic clearing system"ECS" means Electronic clearing system "ED" means Excise Duty"ED" means Excise Duty
ECS means empty coaching stock (trains used to bring carriages into or take them out of service);

Examples of ECS in a sentence

  • The Eligibility Checking Service (ECS) allows all Councils to make instant checks for code validity.

  • II.4.2 The minimum financial contribution required for the participation of any ECS in the PECS over a period of five years amounts to 5 MEURO at 2001 economic conditions.

  • In such case the Chairman shall not put the proposal to the meeting until ECS so desiring are in possession of the text of the proposal.

  • II.4.3 Work may start as soon as one ECS has subscribed to the PECS Charter.

  • II.4.1 The PECS shall be financed through contributions by the ECS made in accordance with the rules and procedures of the Agency, which will be formalised through subscription by the Slovak Republic of the PECS Charter in accordance with the procedures referred to in paragraph II.2. The Slovak Republic will, for the management of the programme, cover the full Agency’s internal costs pursuant to the terms of the ESA Financial Regulations ESA/C/CCXXXIII/Res.1 (Final).

More Definitions of ECS

ECS means ICE Clear Europe’s Extensible Clearing System;
ECS means Electronic Communications Service.
ECS means Exchangeable Capital Securities;
ECS means Electronic clearing system "ED" means Excise Duty “EMD” means Earnest money deposit "EOI" means Expression of Interest (Tendering System) "ERV" means Exchange rate variations "FAS" means Free alongside shipment "FOB" means Freight on Board "FOR" means Free on Rail "GCC" means General Conditions of Contract “GIT” means General Instructions to Tenderers “GST” means Goods and Services Tax which will replace Sales Tax "H1, H2 etc" means First Highest, Second Highest Offersetc in Disposal Tenders Incoterms means International Commercial Terms, 2000 (of ICC) "L1. L2 etc" means First or second Lowest Offer etc. "LC" means Letter of Credit "LD or L/D" means Liquidated Damages "LSI" means Large Scale Industry "NIT" means Notice Inviting Tenders. "NSIC" means National small industries corporation "PQB" means Pre qualification bidding "PSU" means Public Sector Undertaking "PVC" means Price variation clause "RC" means Rate contract "RR or R/R" means Railway Receipt "SBD" or "T D" means Standard Bid Document / Tender Document "SCC" means Special Conditions of Contract "SIT" means Special Instructions to Tenderers "BRBNMPL" means Bharatiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran Private Limited "SS I" means Small Scale Industry "ST" means Sales Tax "VAT" means Value Added Tax
ECS means the electronic clearing services, notified by the RBI from time to time, being mode(s) of electronic funds transfer from one bank account to another bank account using the services of a clearing house or any other platform or mechanism duly authorized in this regard including without limitation the National Automated Clearing House (NACH) operated by National Payments Corporation of India.
ECS means the electronic communications system provided by Pipeline or others which may be used for the purposes set forth in Article 2 of the GT&C.