Editor’s Note definition

Editor’s Note project manager complete this list as appropriate to this agreement. Also edit the front index to align the Exhibits section with the list below after final editing:
Editor’s Note. The following two Articles are for U. T. Austin Projects only. They may be used by other campuses at their option. The CADD As-Built requirement has moved to Additional Services above:
Editor’s Note. The following Article 15 shall be included in contracts for construction manager at risk project delivery method type only. Delete this entire Article 15 for competitive sealed proposal delivery method. Do not remove, rearrange, or delete the italics shown. Italics indicates new language.

Examples of Editor’s Note in a sentence

  • Editor’s Note: Adopted October 4, 2006, effective December 4, 2006.

  • Editor’s Note: Tke secretary of state kas determined tkat tke publication of tkis rule in its entirety would be unduly cumbersome or expensive.

  • Editor’s Note: The Rules and Regulations of the North Carolina State Bar are published officially in the North Carolina Reports and the North Carolina Administrative Code - Title 27.

  • MAC Editor’s Note [3]: UE autonomous retransmission using the same HARQ process for the different CG configuration is FFSAs summarized in [1], 13 companies expressed an opinion on this issue ([6]-[9][11]-[13][17]-[22]).Support UE autonomous retransmission on different CG configuration: 3Not support: 10This issue seems not much controversial and a possible agreement could be attempted:Proposal 1: UE autonomous transmission uses the same HARQ process and the same CG configuration.

  • Editor’s Note: For quick reference throughout this document, new changes for the current year are highlighted in yellow.

More Definitions of Editor’s Note

Editor’s Note. For U.T. Austin projects, the following Article regarding Space Planning Documents is NOT OPTIONAL. The campus requires the A/E to provide an electronic copy of the architectural floor plans with correct room names and numbers just prior to Substantial Completion.
Editor’s Note. Include or Delete the following services if anticipated as future scope.
Editor’s Note. The following Articles 22.1 – 22.7, shown underlined, are applicable only for UT Austin Campus projects, delete for all other campus projects. When applicable and used for UT Austin, delete the Articles 22.1 – 22.3 above.)
Editor’s Note. Project Manager edit as appropriate.
Editor’s Note. LEED CERTIFICATION SERVICES: OPTIONAL FOR ALL PROJECTS – MAY ALSO BE INCLUDING AS A BASIC SERVICE. Confirm with institution and revise the following language to be as project specific as possible.
Editor’s Note. The following Article is for U. T. Austin Projects only. It may be used by other campuses at their option.
Editor’s Note. The following Article is